Wich/what kind of mixer to buy?

  • Thread starter Thread starter djjonblade
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Hello all my question is fairly simple, but for some reason I cant answer it. I have about 8 seperate (sub systems) within my system. example. (2 turntables and a mixer) would count as 1 sub system.At present I am running everything into a "gemini" dj style mixer with 5 channels. 1 of the channels is taken by a "ashley mm 106" (6 channel mic mixer, with a couple of extra ins-outs!)
SHOOT! anyway my question is What kinda (brand) of mixer is best to get-and how do I solve the mono channel thing when I have mostly stereo signals that need to go to this mixer. This mixer needs to have inputs to accomodate a turntable dj setup, a dual cd player with its own mixer, a dat, 2 cassette decks, another stand alone cd player, my mic mixer, my keyboard, and my computer! I know how many channels I need but its the mono channel/stereo channel thing thats got me bugged, I pray to the dj god that you understand all this jargin! (see what staying up on the cpu can do) peace
Mackie's website is www.mackie.com (if you can believe it is so simple). Check out Behringer also at www.behringer.de/eng/Default.htm. They have some pretty impressive mixers at great prices. Of course, many prices are to be gotten only by thos who hunt for good ones. So checkout Musicians Friens, Zzounds, Palm Beach Music and American Musician Supplies. I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Peace, Jim
16 stereo channels, damn wonder how much cash we're talkin! anyone know mackie's website? I would love to check out this mixer!
Thanks guys, I am still looking for this mixer that has 16 STEREO Channels! anybody know what Fishmed was talking about? Jim thanks for the links I would be lost without them! peace!
Yo dijonblade, I almost missed this because you were talking mixers, but I'm going to save you about $1500 so pay attention.

You can't and won't ever use all those things at once. Screw the big mixer. Get a smaller Mackie and use a patch bay to connect those decks into it as you need them.

Think about it...
Thanks, but what if I do use most of those things at once! like my turntable rig, my dual cd rig, drum machine, mics etc. can I still use a patchbay? and is there a course on how to hook one up? peace out Dragon!
You're not giving me more things to do, are you? :) Search for "patchbay" and "patch bay" here and you should find some good stuff. Anyway, the patch bay idea was mostly for your stereo stuff, so you wouldn't have to buy such a huge mixer. But maybe you do need a huge mixer, it just didn't seem right, because those suckers are pricey.

There's another way I just thought of. Someone (Midiman?) makes a line input rack-mount mixer...nothing fancy, just volume controls, but that might be what you're looking for. I think it's 8 inputs but forgot whether mono or stereo, but I think it's $200 or less.
kool thanks Dragon, you always have a knack for answering all my dumb questions! anyway thanks guy/gals peace!
When I bought my Mackie LM3204, I paid around $750 for it, but that was a couple of years ago. I do not know if they are still making them, but if you look around, you might find one for a good price. I traded mine in when I bought a full size mixer.
Fishmed, does this mixer really have 16 STEREO channels? I dont doubt you but I have NEVER seen such a product. I would love to have one so Ill check around, and thanks! peace