Whys Cubase????????????


New member
play back a pre-recorded part?

Im using the Gina, when i record a bass part, then go back to add guitar on another track it re-records the bass part,
what am i doing wrong? i can mute the bass part but then i cant hear it, i want to play along with it but not have it re-record on the guitar track, anyone help?

Globle disabled is on..

please help
your setup is probably made so that your output from your gina goes to a mixer and the mixer output goes back to be recorded.. this means that you have to disable the bass on the mixer and put everything on Pre Fader Listen. Cause the mixer will recieve the bass from the computer + your guitar and send it all back to be recorded on the pc again..

it's a quite common problem when you only have two inputs like the Gina.. and as i remember from your last post you do have it set up this way..
If you're getting the bass sound on the new track you want to record guitar on, sounds like you have the mixer set up wrong as Chriss said or it could be a matter of changing the input on the top of the channel in the mixer on cubase. Point it towards wherever the new guitar is coming from. Make sure all the inputs are activated and able to be chosen from the VST inputs menu. Let us know if this helps
