Why won't my cheap guitar stay in tune?

the strats from the Dan Smith era were actually quite good (and currently appreciating in value, so they're a good, reasonable investment too). the early 80s guitars are, IMO, considerably better than the bulk of the 70's guitars, which were heavy, dead and suffered from poor workmanship (as did the martins and gibsons of that era). Dan Smith was able to turn that around before they decided to off-shore the entire operation in 84 (brought back to the US in 86/7 when the company was sold to the employees).

the 83 is a rare bird in its own right--what with the freeflyte tremolo system, the jack on the front, the solid back (no route for the trem springs--they're under the pickguard), and the 12in fretboard radius. it's unlike any strat i've ever played. i've never liked *any* strat i'd ever played until i played that one. the solid back resonates like a tele and the neck actually feels right.

maybe i just got a good one.

anyway, i'd put it up against anything american, mexican, korean or japanese from 85->on.

PS--i also own a "ProTone" bass (made in Korea in the early 90's) and while they're considered extremely good basses--supposedly they stopped making them b/c they cut into the sales of the american ones. it's a good bass (and uber flexible b/c it's a P/J)......but it's not in the same league as the american ones i've played.