Why Should I Care


Progressively Challenged...
This is pure catharsis :D
Thank you all for the inspiration (you know who you are)
I love this site!

The licentious lawless
Take to the streets
And trample decency
Beneath their feet
Gotta' fight for your right
To piss on the Truth
And stupidly weaponize
The misguided youth

Forget morality, forget history
If progress is the death of me
Why should I care...

An eye for an aye
Wisdom of the mob
What's to forgive
If you can't rise above

Believe the lie, don't wonder why
Sentence the righteous to die
Why should I care...

The Devil gets his due...
Quickening bitter reckoning
The Devil gets his due...
Rejoicing in apostasy
Who's your enemy...

Tear it down, no holy ground
No peace to be found
Why should I care...