Why N-Track adds second track automatically?


New member
Hey guys, I just downloaded the trial version of N-Track and I was wondering why when I hit record with one track armed (and I have it set to the left side of my mic input (I'm not at home where my nice soundcard is) it adds a second track below my original. What's up with that and how can I get it to stop doing it?

In the recording vu meter window, there are a few little icons, one of which sets the recording options. I think there are a few choices... you'll figure it out.
caryindy said:
In the recording vu meter window, there are a few little icons, one of which sets the recording options. I think there are a few choices... you'll figure it out.

Yes, click on the hammer. There you will have the choice between stereo or mono. If you only want one track to be recorded at a time, choose the mono option.
In the record VU's click the little red button ..... it will give you options for the left and right channels. If you are just recording 1 track from 1 of the channels .... Select "Don't record from this channel" for the one you aren't using.