Why is SoundForge $400

My guess is: partly due to warez and the wonderful world of crackers.

It's a great program though as well. Can't really say I agree with the pricing, but I wouldn't buy directly from the company anyway. You'd do better searching online at retailers.

I see what ur saying, but the thing is that a 33MB prog. is not worth that much--no matter what it does--what is the Screenblast version --like 2MB?
you're judging a program by the size of it? wow....judging a book by it's cover i'd say. you're not paying Sony to put a bunch of crap together just to fill up a CD. Sound Forge is really useful and has a lot of cool functions. If you want to pay for a full 700MB CD or something gimme a call...'cause I'll gladly throw a bunch of crap on one for money. Welcome to the real world: you gotta pay for good stuff. :cool: :)
mastap said:
I see what ur saying, but the thing is that a 33MB prog. is not worth that much--no matter what it does--what is the Screenblast version --like 2MB?

As posted by Benny, don't know how you can judge a program by it's size. I don't get why you feel the file size determines how much it's worth.

You should download the demo and see if it works for you and your needs. I personally think it's a great program and works well for me in conjunction with Cubase SX. Decent plugins (and a good amount of them) of good quality.

As I stated in your other post, basing a program's merit on the size of the download comes off as incredibly stupid. No offense. ;)
There are usually 2 compression/extraction levels involved when it comes to downloading and installing software, and that's the reason for the small file size. And besides, would you really want to download something that's over 100MB in it's uncompressed form?

As for Sound Forge itself, it's a very good and very stable program.
Before SF, I tried and used no less than 3 other editors, and none of them was close to SF in matters of features and stability.
By the way, I also use CD Architect 5.0, and ACID Pro 4.0, and have no complaints about either of them.

As for the price, that's the ONE thing I have against Sonic Foundry/Sony.
They're products are very good, but they're also overpriced. :(
It's the "Adobe" syndrome... overpricing your product based solely on your name, and your customer base. A perfect example of this are the noise reduction plug-ins that Sony sells. I use a full blown audio restoration program that does infinitely more, but for a lot less. And so on and so on.

You might want to consider the scaled down Sound Forge Studio. It's a lot less money, and it's more than capable of doing basic editing. Before my jump to SF 7.0, I had used SF Studio for over a year.

And finally, shop around for prices; including your local music shops. The Sony website's prices are high more often than not. I got ACID for $100 less than what the Sony site advertises, and SF for $50 less.

Best of luck with whatever decision you make. :)