Why do music?

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New member
hey everyone i'm new on this site. i was just wondering why you guys make music?

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It`s like meditation to me.. =) I get all my thoughts and feelings on tape, and it makes me kinda satisfied. Also, I like hearing others opinion on it, and get reflections back etc..

Sry if my english isn`t so good.
Simple. Music = Life. They are the same thing to me. There are plenty of life lessons you can learn from music and plenty of music lessons you can learn from life. Music isnt something to master is something to learn from.
If you have to ask why, I don't think there is any answer that will suffice. ;)


two reasons. one i LOVE doing it. I wish i could make a good living doing it. We ALL aspire to make money doing what we love. you do that and you'll never work a day in your life.

and secondly its jus our nitch, its naturally what we were drawn too. can't control that.
Maybe it's something in our genes. Not everyone is cut out to be a lifelong musician, but those of us who are never question why, we just do it. It's as much a part of us as the color of our eyes. Music is like a drug, once you get into it you become addicted very quickly. Most of us think of ourselves as artists, we don't question why we chose music over some other form of expressive art, we do it because we love it, it's a passion which words can never describe to a nonmusician.
I do it for a couple hundred bucks a night ...... otherwise I'd probably take a long vacation from it.
Lol @ .....you know :D
yeah I know ......

But he did ask the question ..... should I lie?
Or perhaps I shouldn't answer the question if I can't say something about my earnest voice trying to speak out in the musical wilderness?

Ya' know, let me try a serious answer to the question ....... I love music as much as anyone or I wouldn't have done it for so long. I could easily make more money at my day job.

But I've always chosen to do music instead which is possibly an interesting ( to some) response to the question because I'm the end result of a lifetime of being obsessed by music.

I started gigging at 12 and have played now for 45 years and still it dominates my life ..... not just gigging but when I'm at home or going about my daily business.
Honestly, I used to talk about my love for music but I really do think it's more of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Believe it or not, I still will often finish a gig or even a double and instead of going home, I'll go where someone's playing and play with them.

I'm not at all sure that could be considered 'healthy'. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of fun ....... I'm not one of those players you see that is always 'tired' or complaining about his gigs. I have a rep of always being happy and laughing at gigs and I am. I'm more at home and happy when gigging than anywhere else.
So I'm not unhappy with where my life has ended up.
But that doesn't mean I can't recognize the sacrifices I'm made in subjugating everything in my life to music. At least I was lucky enough to find a wife that has her own career and so, is accepting of mine and the time it takes.

So summary: I play music because I have a mental disorder and it's the only drug that alleviates the symptoms.

Because our egos inform us that what we make is art and that art is really really important. Please talk about us.

Because our egos inform us that what we make is art and that art is really really important. Please talk about us.


^^^^^^^^ that's it. right up there. but at least for me, initially it was an interest in making noise and then because our minds work in patterns i eventually fell into organizing the noise i made into patterns. And now that i've been doing "music" for a while it's harder to go back to making noise than it is to do patterns. I think i had more fun when i was doing noise.
I don't make music.

I'm a "Home Recordist". That's why I'm on this forum titled "Home Recording".

Guess that's why you posted in the "Newbies" thread.

Sheesh, some guys really ARE Newbs.

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