Why do Busses do not work when I try to make a send or output to bus


New member
I have never had this problem before. When I try to create a send to a bus , I click the bus and it just doesn't appear in the box. The same if I try to set an output or an input to a bus. I have tried using various busses and messing around with the I/O, resetting everything to default, but nothing works. Can anyone identify what might be the problem?

Sorry, I forgot to write Protools in the title. Doh.
Screen Shot 2020-09-01 at 9.47.50 PM.png

I think it might have something to do with the I/O. I have had this A 3-4 output on sessions since I opened a session I recorded at a studio. I don't know how it happened. If I delete everything in the I/O and reset it to default, the tracks go inactive. I am unable to change the output then to Line 1-2 or anything else. The tracks remain all grayed out and unplayable.
Oh, apparently the whole issue was a glitch and I had to restart protools entirely. Duh, I should have known this by now.

The busses work fine after a restart. And I managed to reset the outputs and fix the I/O.