Why a 64-bit CPU?


New member
Can someone tell me what "64-bit" refers to when talking about the new processors that are out now from intel and amd, and what this means performance wise? compared to, say, my athlon 2100+?
It is THE processor to run the crappy CPU hog Microsoft Office 2003 Professional, which, by the way, provides no more useful functionality than WordPerfect 4.2.

Buy bigger, faster, better processors and support Microsoft's HUGE, SLOW, CRAPPY software!

YEAH! Go Bill Go!
whoa wheelema "Buy bigger, faster, better processors and support Microsoft's HUGE, SLOW, CRAPPY software!"

Although I agree with some of the anger toward MS.

Servers are already using 64bit, Gaming machines,nice to have running graphics apps the scientific comunity are impressed with its potential. I don't quite know how useful it is to the consumer in such early stages when considering the need for fully compatible Sw and Hw.

Addressing 16 terabytes of memory vs 4gb.

The mac g5 looks nice, I'd take one and 64-bit OS are already common in the Unix/Linux world

I wanna know why you can't find oem xp at bestbuy...Maybe less profit..hmm
BTW, any software you own will not be able to take advantage of a 64-bit CPU. To do that you will have to acquire software designed for 64-bit architecture (unless your computer is an IBM iSeries aka AS/400).
EddieRay said:
BTW, any software you own will not be able to take advantage of a 64-bit CPU. To do that you will have to acquire software designed for 64-bit architecture (unless your computer is an IBM iSeries aka AS/400).
That's what I want!
Right now unless you are running a high end server, or you need it to increase your interweb penos size, I would not get 64bit processing. You will only be able to run it at 32 bit since windows nor do any programs support the 64 bit architecture. Although the current AMD 64 bit processors have about a 10% increase in performance. The jump in price is not worth it. And also in a year or 2 when 64 is finally widespread adapted, your 64 bit processor will not be cutting edge anymore, just like like with all PC technology.

My suggestion. if you want a better processor, get a AMD 2500 barton. Much better than a 2100, and you can overclock it to hell if you are into that. only a $80 upgrade, plus you can always sell your old chip =)
Best reason I can see now is that the motherboards have better chipsets. At last PCI-X on a board. So you can shift more to/from your HD's and GBethernet.