Whoo!! First recordings ever since I bought my new stuff


New member
Alright so I have a Behringer UB802 mixer and 3 Nady SP-5 mics.
I used audition for software and I ended up with this:


I know some people say the myspace player does some weird stuff to the quality, but I don't really hear anything off.

Tell me what you think.
Dude, what happened to the good ole Christian Music, like Petra, WhiteCross, and The Rez Band. Oh yea cant forget "The Swirling Edies". Sorry couldnt resist. Im not into the whole "Screamin Vocals", so I cant comment on it, but its a A for effort.
I started looking around noticed most people are well over their 30's and 40's.
Whole different generation of music.
I was actually wanting some comments on the sound quality rather than composition quality.