Whoah, why didn't anybody tell me about this place? Here's a song.... :)

Master Zap

New member
Hi Guys and Gals

Why didn't I know about this place? :)

Anyhow, here is a song I mixed recently and any and all comments would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

(Btw, general consensus by other people is "turn the guitar solo up". I dont agree :) )


You have? I must have missed it. ;)

Yeah, I'm one of those ArtistArea.com folks, annoying bunch, we are *grin*

very nice song zap, and sorry have to metion it if that girl in the picture is you you are a knockout. but back to the song i liked it even though is not my genere of music and i cant realy comment on the mix being that i get choked up and cant think straight when i see a beutiful lady, but i did like the song and thank you for sharing it with us all here and welcome to bbs im sure you will find tons of useful info here. tim pate
I thought this was a very good recording. Real smooth sounding. Nice little parts thrown in (strings, keyboard) to change things up.

The singer has a nice voice. Pretty heavy reverb on the vox - almost too much even for this song.

Nice music, but what the heck were those lyrics? The chorus had like one line repeated a hundred times.

EDIT: listened again and I heard either a little clip or mic pop at :30
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Very good mix..

and yes... you need to turn that guitar solo up... ;) sorry man.. but there's no use havin' it in there if you can't even hear it. :p I reckon it would sound neat if you made the spoken voice-over more of a background "airy" accompanyment, and made the guitar solo the "primary" part of the bridge.

Nice clean mix,the vocals were especially sweet.
What is your vocal setup?

I agree,the guitar solo is way to low.

Good stuff.

we have a new master

zap how naughty of you to put something this good in here, and make us all want to sell our equipment :)

Very pretty voice... the production was fabulous... people who dig tons of overdubs (like VOXVENDOR) would be impressed...

over a million hits on mp3.com.... very sweet.

Now if you say you tracked this to a Yamaha MT50 4 track with casio keyboards and a radio shack mic, we'll have to kill you, you know :) Gotta have been done with really good, high-end signal chain.

Where do your unconditional slaves sign up? ;)

Sorry..........you can not agree all you want but the ride needs to come up.
Very good song and good vocals. I thought the chorus on the vox was maybe a tiny bit too much. I've got to go gig but I'll give it a closer listen and more detailed critique when I get home.
Was the guitar solo during that talk over section?If it was, I couldnt hear it at all!

Nice little groove on this song.....kinda like some of those chicks from the early 90's like the cranberries etc....a little dated but a good song.
Ok..this is nice! Good groove.......bass is a little "round" sounding but strong....good vocals....maybe a bit too much FX on them.......guiter solo is absolutely missing in action, it's not a matter of not being loud enough....it's not there at all..granted, the spoken part has precedence but the solo needs to be heard.....wow, sudden ending!
Very good.....good mix mostly and certainly a good performance, thanks. ;)
most definitely......

pump up the guitar....and the drums too....

Cool tune...

Oh my god :)

Whoah, here I leave for like one day (well the BB gave me a nice "SQL server error" yesterday ;) ) and I have like upteen replies, amazing :)

if that girl in the picture is you you are a knockout

The girl isn't *me*... however, she is my *wife*, so thats close 'nuff ;)

Me, myself, am here and more of Nina's stuff is here.

Do check out the new video - its kinda neat! Spaceships, explosions, magic, skin-tight space suits, alien planets, y'know the standard music video stuff. *grin*

The singer has a nice voice. Pretty heavy reverb on the vox - almost too much even for this song.

Interesting, I never figured it as reverb-laden. It uses some chorusing and a "fake" backing vocal generated by a Digitech Vocalist thingy... but lots of reverb? Heck most people think I put on too little. That was new. Gotta re-listen to that :)

Nice music, but what the heck were those lyrics? The chorus had like one line repeated a hundred times

Heh, dont blame me. For once. She wrote 'em herself. I kinda like the concept though, but yeah, perhaps a one-line-times-three chorus isn't the best. Oh well.

you need to turn that guitar solo up... sorry man.. but there's no use havin' it in there if you can't even hear it.

I dunno if its me, but I hear it *clearly*. Is my ears broken? The problem is/was that it's not the best played in the galaxy, although mike burn did it, so I wanted to hide a couple of the warts in the playing, so I just made it stick into the high end (didn't want it to walk over the other frequencies) .... so I hear it. Wierd.

Sometimes I *do* guess my ears are broken. Heh. I think I have an oversensitivity to 2k-4k ish.

What is your vocal setup?

RÖDE NT3 mic through Pre on an old FOSTEX 2440 mixing board straight into EgoSys WaMi-Rack 24 sound interface for recording (totally dry to disk).

Then treated w. some plugs (Waves Q4 EQ, Waves C1 compressor, possibly de-esser) then back out to the Fostex board and through various outboards, in this case a touch of RockTron Pro-Chorus, some reverb (from an ASR-X "sampler" used as FX box)

Now if you say you tracked this to a Yamaha MT50 4 track with casio keyboards and a radio shack mic, we'll have to kill you, you know Gotta have been done with really good, high-end signal chain.

Well, it's not quite radio shack, not quite casio, heck why don't I invite you in and show you around the studio. "Around" being the operating word? :D

Was the guitar solo during that talk over section?If it was, I couldnt hear it at all!

Well it *is* an acoustic solo. Not some overdriven electric stuff y'know :)

bass is a little "round" sounding but strong

My main problem is sorting out the bottom end... 90% being due to crappy room and lots of standing waves in it. Since I got my Sennheiser HD240 MKII headphones I've had some better check on what goes own "down below" but it's still not "great". And it's a pity coz I'm a lover of DEEP PUNCH BASS and it's too easy just to pile on too damned much and make a mess of it.

I went pretty light on this one, yet kept most punch in the drums (actually accentuated it). The drums is actually a loop, which I dont normally use (generally, I program drums on my ASR-X or other box, but this loop just had a kewl sound to it)

pump up the guitar....and the drums too....

Heh, well I have been historically pumping up the drums WAY too much I think. I am trying to think more "popsong" and focus more on the music. If you listen to some of my solo junk you'll hear loud drums galore :)


Again, WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS PLACE!? Jeezes, a place where you can get constructive mix critique is worth is freaki'n weight in alchemically enriched lead!!

Cool studio tour thing there Zap. That's a great idea for seeing the studio through this website. Sorry I can't hear your tunez, I can't use MP3.com for some reason. Have you posted at Nowhere yet?

Anyway, diggin' your studio chair :D
Don't have any eqpt to give a good listen yet (sea shipment arrives next week), but sounds really clean and full on the laptop... :)

Love the virtual tour ! And boy, seeing that Juno-60 brings back some fine memories...

See your RSA key fob there too... :cool:

Great work !
