Who uses Samplitude?


New member
Hey everybody,

I was just browsing through all the threads and really didn't notice anybody that uses Samplitude? I just really think this is weird as its one of the most robust and user-friendly software packages out there.

Samplitude users unite! Thought this would be a good place for samplitude users to post their little tips and tricks and give crit too. Anybody with problems as well.

Well anyway, here goes!
I use Samp 9.1. Couldn't be happier with it! Before that I tried Cubase and a few other trial versions of different apps. Samplitude has been awesome to use. Great for tracking and awesome for editing.
Samp 10 Professional and can't even imagine using anything else. Pretty much dumped every other DAW I owned. Start-to-finish (tracking & mixing through burning a compliant production master straight from the EDL) if necessary and easily the best sounding native plugs I've ever heard.
SAM 9 Pro user here and I love it!
Great workflow, nice tools and pretty easy to work with. Some say MIDI isn't that good to work with, but I've never had problems there.

I wish we had a SAM section here.