Who stole my audix I5?????


Winner chicken dinner!
I have noticed within the last 2 weeks that my I5 is missing? WTF dudes??? Which one of you thieves took my I5?!?! I KNOW it was somebody on this forum!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

It wasn't me!!!!!

But while I am here....

......do you know what kind of a good deal someone could get, in a straight across trade of an Audix 15?.... :confused:

:D :D :D :D :D
OK...stealing is like a very harsh word. I'd like to think of it as being permanantly borrowed. :eek:
What happened to, "Out of sight, out of mind"? You weren't supposed to realize it was missing. :eek:
Phil, give it to me! I'm not exactly sure where my 57 is, so I could use one I reckon... I hope it's with my kick mic, and I hope that's with my guitar amp, because I know where that is....
well... there's the one I hocked this morning on craigslist for $120... I certainly don't remember buying it and never saw it before yesterday, but for the life of me I can't recall where I was between the hours of midnight and 6 pm yesterday.

Are you sure it was an I5 cuz I also have a neumann U67 that I "found" yesterday on my studio floor and if THAT mic was yours I'd have no problem just fedexing it off to you no questions asked without asking a penny and I'll even pay the shipping. That's the sort of sweety I am! But the I5, long gone...

