who says you need "real" instruments :)


New member
just to show the sound you can get out of digital instruments...

i was bored, so i wrote a riff. its 30 seconds long, not meant to be a song, but im sure it will at some point.

guitars are amplitube
drums are reason
bass is the same guitar using soundshifter to drop it an octave

if i can get everything sound like this i may even sell my mics!

Sounds cool, I like it. The only thing I would recommend is maybe going in and sorta randomly varying the velocity of some of the crashes so they don't sound quite so exact. Then perhaps "unquantize" the drum hits a little and scoot them around very minutely to humanize it sorta. Unless of course, you did that already... Anyways, I like the sound of the guitars. :cool:
I like the overall feeling of the song. And indeed Ruined is right, this would sound so much better if you "velocitize" the drum track, you already got the feeling for rythm and beat so why don't go all the way?:P

Unless I'm doing something wrong, all I'm getting is about 3 seconds of a clicky kik drum.
Don't be hasty. This doesn't sound real or natural at all. :o


Seriously though. The guitars are passable, but virtual drums (unfortunately for the likes of me who has no space/money/tolerant neighbors for a drumset) will take some serious work to get to sound natural enough. Especially cymbals. Toms/snare/kick can be alright, but cymbals are the tough part. Your best bet for software drums would be to run an e-drum set via midi through a high-end sampler program (Superior 2.0 comes to mind).
well guys, if you are looking for realistic drums, try Addictive Drums by XLN Audio. they are AWESOME. i've played some songs of mine to friends and they asked me how i've managed to record the drummer so well :) they really sound human to me...
haha thanks guys. the post was only semi-serious. i was a little delerious at 330am. if i were sane at that hour i probably would have never made this post haha. i have someone who does drums for me anyway, i just use reason to help get ideas down.
Superior Drummer is sooo good. Everyone should have it.

Revalver III pwns amplitube too.

I believe, seriously, that if you have those two pieces of software and you're clever, that you might as well never record drums or a guitar amp again.
I've fooled a couple people with EZDrummer as well. Unless you are already familiar with the sound of it (the dead giveaway grainy snare hit and almost-too-quiet-too-hear cymbals), it sounds pretty real sometimes.
The cymbals almost always are the giveaway with fake programmed drums. At least to me anyway. None of the programs have realistic cymbal sounds and none of the users know how to use them. You wanna fool someone? Don't fucking pan cymbals all over the place. They aint like that in real life. They also don't sound the same way every time you hit one.
I don't even try to fool people with fake drums. I just run my ancient TR505 into my songs and toss on some perc (sometimes even real perc) hoping that eventually someone will offer to play real drums for it. Now, I've waited longer than 20 years for it to happen but it has happened with some songs but others have been blessed by a drummer almost at birth - HEY HO INTERNET'S THE GO!
Fake drums should be rejoiced in for what they are (who am I fooling).
Superior Drummer's cymbals are very realistic. I've done several songs and nobody's questioned the authenticity of the drumming! I've had people say that the recordings sound better, and then sent them off to try and figure out how, but no one has guessed that the drums are sequenced.
Superior Drummer's cymbals are very realistic. I've done several songs and nobody's questioned the authenticity of the drumming! I've had people say that the recordings sound better, and then sent them off to try and figure out how, but no one has guessed that the drums are sequenced.

I'm not familiar with Superior Drummer. Do you have any tunes that use 'em that I could give a listen to?
I really like the riff, actually I love the riff;-)

Kick, mmm sounds a lil electronic to me.
I like the guitar tone. The three guitars sound very similar did you use the same sim?
Sound shifter for bass, mmm, will have to go read up on that.

+1 for addictive drums;-)

Thanks for sharing.
Awsome riff!
I'm not much of a fan of pop-rock, but this to me sounds a lot more like a Ballad....which I am a fan of.
Excellent work
Superior Drummer's cymbals are very realistic. I've done several songs and nobody's questioned the authenticity of the drumming! I've had people say that the recordings sound better, and then sent them off to try and figure out how, but no one has guessed that the drums are sequenced.
I'm sure they were just being nice. ;) ;)
I'm not familiar with Superior Drummer. Do you have any tunes that use 'em that I could give a listen to?

i did this song with Drumkit From Hell Superior which i think is similar to ezdrummer. this was probably the least time i spent programming drums on any song though since i did this one super quick, so the pattern is ultra simple haha. plus all velocities were maxed out, so it's not the most realistic ever. i have a bunch of other songs i did with fake drums but i cant be assed to find em right now.

this was with 2 guitars recorded DI clean and run thru free amp sims too. :D