Who is using Digi001


New member
This is my first post although I have been reading for months. Harvey, if you are reading, I have read many of your posts, visited your web-site and appreciate what you do for the rest of us.

I am using Digi-001 on windows and wonder who else is using this system and what kind of results you are having. I have tracked 8 songs worth of drum tracks and am impressed so far by the sonic quality. If interested, here is what I am using and I would like to hear what some others are using.

Win 98SE
P3 1Gig, 256M Ram, 2 Highspeed Harddrives (7200RPM)
Mackie 28-8
D-112 on kick
SM57's on snare and toms
AKG condensors for overhead
Sure SM81 on High hat (though not much needed)
Sonar Force Maple set

Now tracking bass with:
Cort 5 string and ampeg combo box amp.

Anyone else?
The 001 rocks pretty hard in that price range. 18 possible ins! With the mac you can take tracks recorded at home, have them mixed at studio with a tdm system. Works for me!
I use the 001 and have great results. There is a studio that I have some ins with that I can mix and such there. Usually I have the drums done there, record guitars and bass and other small stuff, and then vocals and mixing at the studio. Works well for lager projects.
I wonder how MOTU's Digital Preformer compares to the Digi001... I used ProTools FREE before and thought the software was easy and Powerful to use. I never tried Digital Preformer though. It would be nice if MOTU would offer a trial version of Digital Preformer for PC!!

Dragon, Why isn't ther a forum for home users of Digi001 here?
I was told by several people at Sweetwater that Motu would be good if you did a lot of midi, but that Digi does better with analog sound and has better editing capabilities.
Guys, check out the Digidesign User Conference...a BBS much like this one, dedicated strictly to that card and protools. You can find it at : http://duc.digidesign.com

Alot of great info on the card, including compatability stuff...i'll be getting this card in a month, and have done a TON of research thru this site, with regards to picking the Digi001 as my card of choice, as well as finding out what parts to build a computer of to run the card...

TONS of info here, check it out...


BTW, I tried Protools free also and it sucked. LE is no comparison. Having compatible hardware makes all the difference.:cool:
more and more of my clients have an 001, even some who have much more elaborate systems at home, so that they can prepare their tracks, roughs or not, at home. It saves them a fortune in studio time.
I even have clients who record on 2" at home, then transfer tracks to an 001 - arrive here with their data disk, and 5 minutes later we're mixing or tracking.
Another advantage is that there are, as Wally indicated, good PT based studios all over the place, so you have a good choice of studios and can use your studio time effectively.
Furthermore, you will build an understanding of the system's basic capabilities, so if and when you go into a "big" studio you know what is, and what is not, possible.
Finally, it you go through a really good converter at the front instead of the build-in stuff, you will have a potentially amazing sound quality equal to any pro studio.
Are digidesign's effects like the D-Verb or any other effects the Digi001 comes with suck? I heard somewere that digi's effects weren't the greatest. I am sure digi's effects aren't as good as Waves, but I hope they come close!!!
No they are not as good as waves or TC, but then--- they are prefectly useable to say the least.
The demo You Know!? at http://www.mp3.com/uru is one song I did on an 001, with the standard plug-ins, in a horrible sounding bedroom, square with one wall of glass-mirrored doors