Whirlpool - Speedgoat - Dang it's tough to produce your own stuff

Chibi Nappa

New member
I almost always do productions for other people's songs. Well, now one of my own (sorta') is underway. My wife wrote the vocals and melody, I filled in the rest. Anyway, I'm psyched to be working on Speedgoat again. That's us. I defy anybody to come up with a better band name. Speedgoat. Hell yeah. This song is called "Whirlpool".

Anyway, as good as all that is, I hate producing my own performance! For one, I can't play guitar and bass all that well. For another, even if I could play I can't very well place a mic while I'm strumming. So all bass and guitars are scratch for now. Buncha' sloppy DI placeholder stuff. :D

Thank God for hired drum stand-ins. At least I could produce that much in my comfort zone. I predict hired bass and guitar stand-ins in my near future...If my ego can take some other schmoe wielding the ax in my band. Bah. If I want it to sound good I guess the ego will have to take a seat.

So here it is for no reason at all: The unmixed half-scratch Speedgoat song "Whirlpool".
edit: changed the link for higher bitrate
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I find the arrangement lacks a bit of dynamic with those jingle-jangely guitars going on from start to finish (nothing to do with playing ability....). Voice sounds too muddy and buried, can't make out at all what you#re singing. This could be a lot better.

Joey :)
I find the arrangement lacks a bit of dynamic with those jingle-jangely guitars going on from start to finish (nothing to do with playing ability....).
Yeah, like I said...I have an awful time producing my own stuff. Objectivity goes right out the window. I'll see what I can do. It does need a new arrangement.
Voice sounds too muddy and buried, can't make out at all what you#re singing.
What I'm singing? That's my wife, dude. :D I'm the guy babbling about something to the drummer in the beginning of the song where I forgot to clean the tails of the track.

Ugh. The compression is awful on that music site! I just uploaded a more listenable scratch zygote of a song and gave a listen. Anybody know how to upload at a higher bit rate?
What I'm singing? That's my wife, dude. :D I

lol...joey does a lot of meth :D

I think its got a cool vibe...drums are a little boxy...guitars are good...not so sure about the solo bit that made me spill my coffee! :)

I like your wifes delivery...almost dead pan, she misses a couple of notes but that suits the overall feel..cool I enjoyed it lots

this will let you host up to 320kpbs just by dropping the track in a folder on your desktop


this referral gives us both an extra 250mb over the free 2gigs you start of with (I think I should have shares in this company lol)
The simple rhymes really bug me but I write all the lyrics for my band so maybe that is just centric to me. The lead: I couldn't add more reverb if I tried lol. While it grabs your attention, it's not the good type of attention. Good fibe on the song, could use some rewrites on lyrics and a hired gun on leads.