Which would you prefer & why...

sponge bob

New member
I'm looking at getting one last vocal/all around LD condensor for
a while, & want it to be a semi "pedigree".

I'm torn between the Soundelux U195 vs Nueman U87ai (I know older U87's are preferable). I like both, but have had limited experience with the U195. Mostly mixed projects it was used on, & thought it sounded gorgeous.

If you've used these, which would you choose over the other?
The main use is for vocal work, in a small commercial studio, through Trident, Soundtracs & Neve 1073 clone pre's.

Thanks Bob
I'll take . . . . oh, let me think here . . . how about either one of 'em?

Just flip a coin. Go ahead.

I'll also take your console. Or the 1073 clones. Surprize me. I'm pretty easy to please. :D

I don't know why people constantly refer here to prefering an older U87 over the newer U87ai. I've had both and prefer the ai model. It has a hotter output, is quieter and doesn't have many of the problems of the older model. Many U87's have had a hard life. Dirt tends to build up on the capsule so that everytime you breath on it it shorts out momentarily. Stephen Paul and Klaus Heyne among others make a good living refurbishing old U87's to make them better sounding. As to which mic of the two you asked about is preferable? That's really taste. They're both good. Audition them as much as possible before you decide.
Having just bougt an older U87 myself, I can offer a few suggestions.

So far I have determined it is DARK but not muddy. Think Amberbock, not Guinness.

It is very flattering on anything I have used it on so far. Which has been limited. I used it for an out front mic on drums, and I loaned it out for a day on a cello recording, although I haven't been able to hear that one yet. It sounds good on voice obviously too!

Self noise hasn't been even apparent so far for me. Maybe when I get better pre's I will be able to hear the noise in the mic?

All of these things I said were probably exactly what you would expect, but thats the point! If you get a U87 you'll be getting one of the 3 mics all other mics are compared to. Then you'll need a 67, 47, and KM84 to be complete.

I have never heard the soundelux mic, but I HAVE HEARD soundelux mics are excellant. Especially the 47 clone.

One last thing I thought of. A Neumann mic is more of an investment than just a purchase. If you take care of it, you'll almost 99.9% get more money than you paid for it. Well, unless you buy the Ai model from Sweetwater. Definately use EBAY!

Re: prefer

timc said:
Stephen Paul and Klaus Heyne among others make a good living refurbishing old U87's to make them better sounding.

Can't say what Klaus does, but "refurbishing" is a little bit understated for what happens when you send the mic to Stephen Paul. What you get back resembles a U87 (of any flavor) only on the exterior.

Kind of like comparing the Chevy or Ford or Dodge you buy at the dealer to the ones you see on the NASCAR circuit...

Hey Little dog, do you have a Stephen Paul U87? What thickness membrane does it have? What electronics did he change?

Have you heard a Brauner Klaus Heyne limited edition?

Have you used any Josephson microphones?
man what a choice!

when you are talking about laying out that sort of money, i dont see why you dont try them both and see which one you like better.
Speaking of Stephen Paul, why don't you just wait till his new
microphone comes out to check it out?

Unless you have to record Shania by next week. :)

Re: U87

timc said:
Hey Little dog, do you have a Stephen Paul U87? What thickness membrane does it have? What electronics did he change?

Have you heard a Brauner Klaus Heyne limited edition?

Have you used any Josephson microphones?

I wish. Heck, now you have me drooling.
Thanks guys for chiming in...
I knew there would be some fun in discussing these mics.

I am going to try to borrow both mics for a little shoot out of
my own I guess. I'll post my findings if anyone is interested.

On the "Stephan Paul mic", when is this supposed to come out,
target price, basic info???

I keep hearing bitz & peices about it but nothing solid.
Help a guy out. :)

Re: U87

timc said:
Hey Little dog, do you have a Stephen Paul U87? What thickness membrane does it have? What electronics did he change?

Have you heard a Brauner Klaus Heyne limited edition?

Have you used any Josephson microphones?

I've never heard the Brauner, but I believe it is about $8000, and for that kind of money I would definitely just send a couple of my existing mics to Stephen Paul instead.

Fletcher strongly recommends the Josephsons - someday I hope to try them.

I've never owned a U87. When I was researching my "killer" vocal mic, I chose the Lawson L47 over the U87, because I thought it sounded much better on most sources. (Cyanjaguar will be coming over to kick my ass now for saying that...)

Interestingly enough, acording to Stephen Paul, almost any large diaphragm condenser mic will be improved by his techniques to the point of being one of the best mics in the world, since he essentially replaces all the guts anyway. My theory is, if that is true, why not send him one of your mediocre mics rather than an expensive one you already like the sound of? Then you'll have at least TWO mics you really like.

Obviously you wouldn't send him something like an Oktava 219, because the body is so flimsy and crappy. But I have, for instance, a Microtech Gefell UM800 that I hardly ever use that has a huge grill and solid hefty body. Or maybe my BLUE mouse... those would be interesting candidates for a Stephen Paul treatment... IF i only had the money!!!
Listen to a B.L.U.E Kiwi before you buy a U87ai. Especially up close and personal. I did. I bought the Kiwi and never looked back.-Richie