Which tracks? Advice needed


New member
Hi all,

I'm recording some tracks and will be looking to send them to be mixed professionally. I'm wondering which of the two acoustic guitar tracks give the best sound?

The 'SM57' track is mic'd using a Rode NT1A a few inches out from the 12th fret pointed slightly towards the sound hole (Panned left), with a 57 pointed at the bridge (Panned right).

The 'condenser' track is the same except a Samson C01 condenser instead of the 57 at the bridge (panning the same).

Now for scientific purposes I know the performances aren't exactly the same (i'm using different brand strings also) however is the same section of the song, the same guitar, the same room and same (or very close to it) mic positions. Which one do you think captures the guitar better? Originally I thought the condenser (albeit a cheap one) would have done a better job but part of me is surprised by the 57 in this application - I'd been told it'd be useless for an acoustic guitar (would love to know your thoughts on this also) . I'm still getting used to PT so should probably add to the list of admissions that all tracks are all at unity volume on the mixer (or damn close to it) so perhaps one mic may have more output than the other...

Anyways, I'm looking to record a ton of tracks this weekend using an apogee duet 2, so don't have the luxury of 3 mics and choosing between them later so would love to know if those with more trained ears than myself (pretty much everybody) think I should choose one over the other.

While i'm asking for advice, I got a few responses in another forum earlier but if you have any comment on if there's anything problematic about the room it was recorded in please feel free to comment on that too. (Recorded in a large tin shed with dry wall interior, in the middle of some blankets and a few tiles of acoustic foam loosely hung around the performance area, nothing too constrictive or air tight).

Many thanks in advance!



  • sm57 acoustic.mp3
    750.9 KB · Views: 6
  • condenser acoustic.mp3
    750.9 KB · Views: 7
They both have strong points and weak points. The 57 isn't as brittle. But it's not as smooth in the higher end and its low end is slightly out of control (lot's of "thumps" on the chord strums). The Samson track is brittle sounding. But I liked its high end a little better. and there is no out of control low end.

Personal opinion, overall I liked the 57 a little better. You could probably notch out the thumps with EQ. It'd give you a little warmer sound than the condenser. The brittleness of the condenser was too much for me.

Does the Rode do a figure 8? You might want to do a mid-side thing with the 57.
Hey there,
first off both sound great! you did a great job! I'm going to try to record my acoustic tracks the way you described since i have the same mics you have (57 and rhodes nt1-a. I love the sm57 setup. sounds fuller and richer. but they are both really good! thanks for the post!
Thanks for the replies guys. I recorded a ton of tracks that day with both setups, and unfortunately as I'm listening back many will be unusable due to the phasing I noticed I got when I listen in mono... I'm recording myself and its so hard to get the same mic/guitar position when you hit record in one room then walk in and play in another, so I'm thinking I might get a pair of Rode NT-5's and just XY record from here on in to save the hassle and (hopefully) get better results anyway. Thanks very much for the replies!