which soundcard?


New member
i'm considering buying a audiophile 192 or delta 44. i won't be using synths or any synthetic instruments in the near future, so i'm leaning towards the delta 44 since it has 4 ins/outs and i will be recording drums with it, so that's a plus. what are your opinions on either soundcard?

P.S. i also heard that you can link up several delta 66's together via the s/pdif i/o's. is this possible? how would you go about doing it? if it is possible, then i'd get a 66 instead of a 44 just because of that flexibility.
A friend of mine has two Delta 10/10's in his pc that work great. They are not very good for midi stuff (from what I have seen) but that won't be a problem for you if you not using that functionality.