which soundcard for this:


New member
I will not be doing any PC recording (will instead use the Tascam 788 Portastudio, which for my needs is sufficient), but will be getting a new PC for various purposes including to do some PC-editing of music recorded on the 788. I need to know what soundcard would be adequate. I believe all I really need is a soundcard with SPDIF in/out (2 tracks). I hear the SPDIF i/o that comes on standard computer soundcards like Soundblaster are not up to snuff. Also, I intend to use the PC in conjunction with my home stereo system, including to record some of my old LP's onto CDR's. Does that function go through the soundcard, and if so is there anything to be aware of in that area in selecting a soundcard? (I will in addition be getting an external CDR--the Tascam CDR788 or CDR Deluxe). Thank you.
Members here have proven to me that even a Soundblaster S/PDIF input will produce sweet results if your converters are up to snuff and I assume from your comments that you feel the 788's are good enough. It's my opinion that a digital interface either understands the protocol and transmits the data flawlessly or doesn't work at all. I've only read/heard some marginally credible evidence of theories to the contrary.
But if the SB stuff scares you- check out the GINA. The 24 bit version will allow you to use the 24 bit S/PDIF output on the TASCAM. Does it have that or am I just dizzy?
Also the digital only card from DAL.