which sound card ?


New member
well ok then. should i spend my money on the pro tools ? or buy one of those thousand dollar sound cards with hardware ? or just a $200 one ? and ..wut will the extra dollars buy ? and ...im lookin at a 20 bit sound card with hardware...should i stay away from the 20 ? i read that thread bout bit rate etc ...but ....anybody give a good " dollars per results' suggestion?
There are a zillion possible options you have, many of which will give you very good results. You have to decide what works best for you given your intentions and budget. You can find a lot of info on this board by doing a few searches. Here's one option:

ST-Audio C-Port - 8 inputs, 24 bit, street price 400 bucks. Comes with Logic SE. Best bang for the buck IMO. ProTools is great, and an industry standard, but it's ridiculously expensive.