Which songs to play


New member
Im forming a band and I wanna do some Pink Floyd covers. I can play Wish You Were Here, but I'm really not liking how I'm sounding on it, i can play it rather well, but im hearing it crap. Is this just a phase? Also I was thinkin of playing Comfortably Numb, Another Brick in The Wall, Wearing The Inside Out, and I would really like to play Cluster One. Do you thinkn these are good songs to start out with when youre in a band?
P.S. Do 14 year old get to play gigs in bars etc?
if you kick enough ass, they'll let you rock it. just make sure your kickin' ass.

play "Young Lust". It's fun.
Yeah dude, if you're good enough they'll let you in (edit: you shouldn't even bring age up in the conversation). You may even get some "beer tickets". I remember when I was younger than 21, I was playing with a band where every member was at least two times my age. We played at bars a lot and it was like, "don't ask, don't tell". I got lots of free beer passes.


In a different band, we tore Time up. That was a damn fun time.

I have a good friend, Fons, from the Netherlands. He is a far far better guitar player than I. He began WORKING in a bar at 15 as a bar back. He also started hanging out for blues open stage jam nights in bars at 14. Even though his teen youth was spent in bars it did not turn him into an addict.

I, also, do not condone alchohol abuse. In 14 year olds or in 99 year olds.

Face it America was founded by Puritans and our moral code still reflects this fact. If 14 year olds play in a bar I pray thier parents chaperone as I am a hypocrite on my argument.

My recommendation is Astronomy Domine
Hi guys, thanks for replying.
Don't worry I'm not going to drink, I'm not into that stuff, nor are my soon to be bandmates. My mother will probably get my brother to chaperone he's going to be 18 in November so he can lug around our gear when he starts to drive. I live in Malta and the legal age for drinking is 16 and for driving is 18.
Can't believe i forgot Time and Astronomy Domine, Time is my favourite song.
Thanks again.