Which software??


New member
I am looking at getting an audio interface soon (looking at tascam u-122, delta 410, and a coulpe of others) and was wondering what software people would recommend. All I want to do really is record vocals (plus backup vocals), rythm and lead guitar, bass, and then put drums and other instruments in using midi or some other way. What do you recommend? thanks
I've had Cakewalk since the eighties. If you're sure that recording is your thing then I agree with the other guys. Sonar 3 probably is the best there is today...

But if I started out today I would start small and cheap. You can do a lot for nothing (quartz and nTrack to mention a few) and for a little more than nothing there's better nTracks, magix, Cubasis, PG Powertracks and Home studio. I'd go with nothing for a few months until the limitations got to me. Then buy Home Studio to see if I could live with that - if not, then there's a clear path to Cakewalks higher end packages.

I'd probably stay away from packages that didn't have big brothers if I wasn't sure that they would keep me happy. Two reasons, better to learn just one way to work and the possibility of getting some money back when upgrading.

I'd stay away from dongles...
based on what I have seen so far I am leaning towards Sonar...but I haven't made my final choice let, i will let you all know when i do though and how i like it...thanks for the responses
Howdy, I am reading along with the same question in mind. Just having surfed around, I am wondering why the resounding answer is NOT ProTools FREE. I was under the impression that ProTools was the studio standard and FREE is, well, FREE! I there some reason people do not go this route?
Thanks for lettin' me butt in.
ProTools Free wouldn't work on my old Win98 HP Pavillion - it has problems on a lot of systems - according to the ProTools site.

Also, it won't work at all on WinXP.
PTfree won't work on Win2k either.

Besides, if you need to port your project to PT for post-production, Sonar 2.2 and above can save in an open source format that will be compatible with Pro Tools. you burn a disc and bring it to the pro tools studio of your choice.
Scoot82 said:
based on what I have seen so far I am leaning towards Sonar...but I haven't made my final choice let, i will let you all know when i do though and how i like it...thanks for the responses

Cakewalk should have a free demo version at their home site.