Which Software to use when it comes to making beats


New member
I was wondering which software people would recommend for making beats and combining loops.

I have tried FL studio 9 and i find it to be quite challenging and confusing for me.
I am a very fast learner with software so maybe a reallygood tutorial is what i need.
I've looked around youtube and i never really find anything that useful to me.

does anyone have a better software or a tutorial they coul link me to?
I was wondering which software people would recommend for making beats and combining loops.

I have tried FL studio 9 and i find it to be quite challenging and confusing for me.

Is there any easier program?

the initial curves quite hard at first but you've just got to stick at it...there are easier programmes like Mixcraft, energy XT, Cakewalk Home studio etc but they really are still fully fledged audio and midi recorders...

you need Ableton Live...no two ways about it...it will stretch and manipulate loops like no other programme..drums are fairly straightforward and the kits that come with it are as good as any samples Ive collected anywhere else...it also has a workflow that begs you to remix and play loops on the fly before you even record them to a song

But you will have to learn it!!

If you are up for it then I suggest Live Intro that will cover everything you'll need then go to Streamworks Audio.com where they have a sale on the Ableton downloadable tutorial for $1.99!!


(its very good)

seriously it will not get any easier for you than this...
I have Ableton Live and Cubase and prefer just playing the drums on the keyboard into Cubase to make MIDI drum tracks. I like Cubase because Logical Edit is very useful in tweaking drum tracks.
another part of abletons beat making ability is how it can import grooves and swing from other loops, it also has some already in its library from famous MPCs etc...

You can also beat slice to rearrange your loops into single beats, which is not something uncommon in DAWs, but it's scope for fine tuning is...you then just drop these into a new drum rack to either be triggered by a midi file or to be played along again manually

but this isnt a battle between one daw and others...they are all very capable of making beats quite easily its just that none replicate Live scene view and I think if you are going to use loops often thats invaluable
If you're looking strictly for drum patterns Acoustica Beatcraft isn't too bad...

sorry, no offence, but it is...

it doesnt export midi, cant be used as a vst instrument, and its loops are out of sync

export a 120bpm loop then drop it into a daw and it'll register as 119.52bpm (something like that) so without stretching audio eventually your loop will play out of sync

Izotopes I-drum is far superior if its just a drum sequencer that you need, and isnt that much difference in price

you've also got Audio Damages Tattoo which has a built in sequencer as well as drum sound manipulation....but neither of these deal with loops

Sonivox playa/sampla would be a consideration?? but costs around the same as Abletons Intro
sorry, no offence, but it is...

it doesnt export midi, cant be used as a vst instrument, and its loops are out of sync

export a 120bpm loop then drop it into a daw and it'll register as 119.52bpm (something like that) so without stretching audio eventually your loop will play out of sync

Izotopes I-drum is far superior if its just a drum sequencer that you need, and isnt that much difference in price

you've also got Audio Damages Tattoo which has a built in sequencer as well as drum sound manipulation....but neither of these deal with loops

Sonivox playa/sampla would be a consideration?? but costs around the same as Abletons Intro

I haven't used beatcraft in probably three or four years but I never had audio sync issues... weird. Maybe newer versions? :confused:

My only point was that Beatcraft was very, very simple but Izotopes sounds like a better option. :)
I haven't used beatcraft in probably three or four years but I never had audio sync issues... weird. Maybe newer versions? :confused:

My only point was that Beatcraft was very, very simple but Izotopes sounds like a better option. :)

yeah it is very simple...I thought it was going to be my holy grail as unlike the others you can add effects within it rather than re-routing to multi tracks as a vst sequencer would

you must have "stretch all audio loops to tempo" activated in your DAW as its always been a problem...they kind of stopped answering any bpm/tempo questions on the forum..you would think it would be an easy fix instead they just made the programme cheaper! :D
yeah it is very simple...I thought it was going to be my holy grail as unlike the others you can add effects within it rather than re-routing to multi tracks as a vst sequencer would

you must have "stretch all audio loops to tempo" activated in your DAW as its always been a problem...they kind of stopped answering any bpm/tempo questions on the forum..you would think it would be an easy fix instead they just made the programme cheaper! :D

Well fortunately I moved away from drum sequencers like that awhile ago and stumbled into the wonderful world of MIDI! :D
pcdrummer works for me. I've been recording for awhile, but computer programs are new to me, and this was very simple for me. You can load your own wavs and create a kit. I think i paid $49. You can try it for free. You get a kit with a couple of snares, kicks, and more. It may not have all of the features as some of the other programs, but for what i do, i love it.