which software out of the following?


New member
alright here is the software i am looking at for my PC.

pro tools

cubase sx

sonar 3 producer

emagic platinum

steinberg wavelab

price completely aside which program will serve me best in recording my band which is comprised of drums, bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, and vocals.
dvon1981 said:
alright here is the software i am looking at for my PC.

pro tools

cubase sx

sonar 3 producer

emagic platinum

steinberg wavelab

price completely aside which program will serve me best in recording my band which is comprised of drums, bass, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, and vocals.
PT: to limited unless using a TDM system

SX: go with nuendo 2. better gui, better audio engine, stronger for audio

sonar3: i've never been a fan for cakewalk products.. i hear decent things about it though.. though as you should've seen by now, they copied sx

logic platinum: not unless your using a mac, and you not... no more support for pc's, plat6 for mac is decent. logic is now APPLE.. idc, i never liked logic much

wavelab: it isn't a multi-track.. its a 2 track wave editor/mastering suite.

Bottom line, get Nuendo 2.1
you'll love it.. the quality vs other apps out.. the only app that sounds as good is samplitude 7.2 but it has a hard learning curve for most.
nuendo has so much power and is very easy to use.
nuendo is usually around 1299.. but i found it for under $1000 over the last week.