which room would be better for recording?


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm moving into a new place in september and im not sure what room i should use for recording. i'll be recording drums, guitar, bass, and most likely vocals all in this room.

i have two options:

room one - its an "L" shape, very small, a window that creates the possiblity street noise leaking in, plus its wood floor. it is located near the main street but not directly on it. doesnt seem like it'd be very good, but it has a level ceiling.

room two - not quite square, carpeted, but it has sloping ceilings. the front right portion of the ceiling is level (approx half the area) and then the ceiling slopes from front right to the back left til its only a few feet from the ground. would this type of ceiling be good for recording? bad? i have no clue. its alot bigger than the first room. it has no windows and is located as far away from the main street as possible.

i am going to attempt to somewhat treat each room ... a cheap treatment is all i can do for now though

everything is better in "room two" except for the ceiling, and i have no clue whether sloped ceilings are desirable or not. it looks cool, thats about all i know.

so if someone out there thinks they know the answer please help me out

thanks alot
Wood floors are amazing and sloped ceilings are better than flat ones. Bigger rooms are better that small ones. Its a toss up. It would be hard to give up the wood floors. maybe you can get in there before you move all your stuff in and record an acoustic guitar in each room. or maybe a drum.
Irregular shapes produce some unique options and a few problems. Sloped celings can make small amps sound bigger. More floor space will make positioning things a lot easier. Why not splurge and run a snake and use both rooms?
Hey thanks for the advice. i wont be able to use both rooms because theyre on different floors and pretty far away from each other.
i had no idea wood floors were good for recording. that makes the smaller room slightly more tempting.
i thnk what i'll do is just try them both out when i get up there. a little extra work to move my drums around but it'd be the easiest way to decide which room is best.

thanks again