Which Room is a Better for Mixing/Recording?


Room 1

Room 2

Perhaps a better questions would be which one is easier to treat to get to an optimal level?

I'm considering Adam A7 monitors or Yamaha HS80s (I'll look into other monitors tomorrow)
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Drawings do not make sense to me, as far as scale. The 8.8X9.8 one, seems to have the best layout (regarding window locations), as far as getting a centered listening position for mixing. A hardwood floor with a treated ceiling, is generally considered best for a tracking room, though there are many ways to skin a cat.

Either room will need a bunch of room treatment, if you desire to get great results from them. That is not to say you cant get something out of it.
Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I did the sketches quickly an not to scale. Do you think 5 inch or 8 inch speakers would be better?
I'd use the larger room on top because it's larger, and the rear "L" cutout will help a little too. Set up facing the wall on the right. You'll be close enough to that wall so the left-side reflection point will be ahead of the window. And hopefully you'll be able to fit a bass trap in that corner. More here:

How to set up a room
Acoustic Basics

With the false scale drawings, I am not even sure anyone can give advice here. Both rooms are almost square in dimensions, if these are even correct. If the measurements are in meters, then you may really have something. lo! :)

As to the driver size question, you need to give way more info than, 'hey, here is my inaccurate measurement of my room, completely starved of any real information, without regard to what type of music I plan to produce, or record, and while I am at it, I don't even care to take a bit more time to make a decent drawing, after I obviously made a haphazard one earlier.'

You may as well ask 'which USB mic will make you sound pro' at this point, because you are being completely vague.

Detailed information of your space, it's construction as it is now, as well as details on what it is you plan to achieve, would be a good start to get close to good advice.

You have been around here for a while. Where have you been lately?

I just realized that I sounded like a dick there. I forgot to add a smiley. :D
Detailed information of your space, it's construction as it is now, as well as details on what it is you plan to achieve, would be a good start to get close to good advice.

You have been around here for a while. Where have you been lately?

I just realized that I sounded like a dick there. I forgot to add a smiley. :D

Hah, very deserved. I'll try to get something to scale. I just don't know what software to use! I'll try to work with excel and make sure the squares represent the true dimensions. As far as music style, think rock, pop, alternative. Anything that would be top 40 but leaning towards Coldplay, U2, Fun, Train, John Mayer, etc.

And, yes, I took a 2 year break to get my M.B.A.! I'm back now!

I'll post actual dimensions shortly.