Which recording software?


New member
Which recording software is the most common, easiest to use, and most flexible? All suggestions are welcomed with open arms! Thanks guys!
well i hate to make fraser go all suicidal on us... just a question... but i should probably start out with the easiest to use because I'm extremely new. Thanks biscuits!
Sorry, Rob, probably shouldn't go postal on you, but that question gets ask almost daily here, and almost always results in flame-wars.

Please do a search in these forums. You will find all the information your heart will ever desire on the subject. This question does not need to be asked again.
i understand... i'm still new to using this and i've just been using the newbie section and haven't really looked at any other section.... but i'll ask a more specific question.... does anybody have experience with adobe audio? I want to record decent accoustic music and some rock...
Adobe Audition is a Very nice and simple program for recording audio.
Its the offspring of Cool Edit Pro, which was and is still a very popular program amongst home recordists.

It would be just fine for recording acoustic material, along with a Quality sound card.

Fraser why do you even respond when these posts anoy you? :)
As we all have come to know now matter how hard we ask we will still get these "Newbie" questions posted here..... If I'm anoyed with em I just pass on by. :)
Just wondering.


thanks blaze... you're a huge help and I appreciate every little bit of help i've gotten from you all... and it's a lot! Thanks!
fraserhutch said:

Not this lame question YET again.....


Dude, last time I checked this was the Newbies forums.
Whilst we've all seen this question a thousand times, I'm going ot go out on a limb and say that the people asking them haven't.

If you're going to act like a tool, at least do it on a forum that doesn't have a disclaimer like
Dragon said:
Just starting? Afraid to ask a stupid question? Don't worry, in here nobody will laugh at you.

Go to the Mic forum- there's a hundred "What mic should I buy lol" threads there for you to get angry with.

RobManYou: I'm also going to have to point out this part of the forum title:
Dragon said:
But if it's on a topic covered in another forum, best to post it there.

You might want to have a search through the "Computer Recording and Soundcards" forum, or the Brand Users group. They are both set up to discuss the pros/cons of various software packages, and simply browsing them will enlighten you to a number of software titles, which you can then research and ask about.
cpl_crud said:
Dude, last time I checked this was the Newbies forums.
If you're going to act like a tool, at least do it on a forum that doesn't have a disclaimer like
There is a HUGE difference between asking what may be a dumb question, and exercizing even a little bit of internet etiquette and actually doing a search on forums or actually reading a little bit before you post.

They are both set up to discuss the pros/cons of various software packages, and simply browsing them will enlighten you to a number of software titles, which you can then research and ask about.

The whole point., tool.
heh, we just started the flame war you tried so desperately to avoid... so I guess you were right....
The humanity!
yeah well like i said i just didn't know... i'm new to forums too... so... my bad... sorry to ruin everybody's day :( now i know
RobManYou said:
i understand... i'm still new to using this and i've just been using the newbie section and haven't really looked at any other section.... but i'll ask a more specific question.... does anybody have experience with adobe audio? I want to record decent accoustic music and some rock...

I've used adobe audition 2.0, and cool edit pro 2.0.

Both are very similar, audition's gui is prettier, IMO.

You can get a 30 day trail download of adobe audition, of of their website. I am pretty sure it is full function. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now, and I dig it. I record mostly acoustic guitars and vocals.

adobe audition 2.0 trial
thanks stale! I appreciate it... I think my friend has adobe audition and I think he's going to let me have it! nice break huh? thanks again!
RobManYou said:
thanks stale! I appreciate it... I think my friend has adobe audition and I think he's going to let me have it! nice break huh? thanks again!

Yet another faux pa! :eek:

He's on a roll, folks.

Hang in there bro. ;)
ummm... what's wrong with my friend giving me his software? not a copy... the actual software? Do we frown upon generosity around here as well? hmmm... very interesting... and it's "faux pas" ... but i don't know that because i'm smart... i had to look it up... so yeah :eek:
Best Recording Software

I am a newbie also and have found Cakewalk's Home Studio 4 XL to be priced right at around $159 (probably even less on Ebay) and it has everything you need from unlimited MIDI tracks to up to 64 audio tracks at 24 bit/192khz and it comes with lots of sounds and has VST and Dxi plug in support for some of the best soft synths on the market. It is a great way to learn the ins and outs of digital audio production with a great tool with a great sound at a great price. I couldn't be happier with it. You'll need a fairly powerful PC to give it the juice it needs. I run it on my laptop which is ok except that my sound card pretty much is an earsore. I will eventually upgrade to the SONAR 5 Producer Edition and buy a dual core desktop just for audio production, but with the recent addition of IK Multimedia's Sampletank 2.1 XL and Sonik Synth 2 to my arsenal, I can produce some really good sounding stuff with the Home Studio version's 32-bit audio engine on my laptop. Check out more about it at:


Shop around (Cakewalk, Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, etc), do your homework, compare features and pricing, and have fun!!!

Tim Harris
West Chicago, IL