which portastudio?


New member
so I am thinking of getting one of these 4 track tape recorders. any suggestions?

also, I'm guessing I would need to get an external preamp to put mics through it?
1- There have been many different Portastudios. If you think you can get by with only 4 tracks, some good machines to consider from the used market are the Tascam 424, 464, and 644. If you want something a little more portable, check out the Tascam 414.

Should you need 8 tracks, the best unit is the 688, although it's a little more complicated to use, so make sure you get a manual for it. The other option for 8 tracks on cassette in a Portastudio format is the Tascam 488.

2- You shouldn't need an external pre-amp, with a few exceptions:
a- You need phantom power for your mics, at which point it may be worth it to invest in a better pre-amp that provides phantom power as well.
b- You're using one of the Portastudios that only has 1/4" inputs, rather than XLR. However, with the correct adapter, an external pre-amp would not be needed.

The 424, 464, 644, and 688 all have XLR inputs.

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You'll enjoy it. Give a holler if you have any questions. If you have the chance to test it out before purchasing it, I highly recommend it.

Good luck!
is it more like a high pitched "hiss" than a low pitched hum? if its a hiss, then yes, tape hiss is normal and to be expected. try using the dbx noise reduction if that is a problem, or try hitting the tape harder to increase the signal to noise ratio.

did you get a manual with the recorder?

if its a hum, it could be something else. it could even bad wiring in your building.
My 424 has always hummed and hissed.

But it's still a whole lot of fun making hummy, hissy recordings! :D
yeah it's hum. if it was a hiss I wouldn't be inquiring since I know they hiss and I also love hiss. but it's really like a ground loop sounding hum. I had ground loop problems with my powered monitors too, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a house electricity related thing. any chance of it being a problem with the actual machine?
but wait, wouldn't I hear a hum from it all the time and not just from the tape if it were a ground loop issue?