Which PCI card should I buy?!


New member
M-Audio 2496 Digital Vs. M-Audio Delta 410 these are the two I am looking at.

Which PCI card should I buy? I want to hook it up to an analog mixer and have a decent ammount of channels... like at least 8 prefer more though. What do you guys think? thanks
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Uh those card will not alow 8 chanels.

Also I think M-Audio discontinued the 410 unless you find one in a shop or something.

If you need 8 inputs at a time you would want to look at the M-Audio Delta 1010LT. Its not to expensive and it wil alow the inputs you need.

You could patch the stereo master out of your mixer into the card, but if you want to record 8 discrete channels onto your computer HD, then no, it won't work.
would any of these work or do I have to spend $200 (i prefer not to but i will if there's no other way) on a card for it to support the previously stated mixer?

-Echo MIA MIDI Digital Audio and MIDI Card
-E-MU 1212M Master-Level Recording System
you want the delta 1010 lt. You can find one on ebay for $150 and it will handle 8 inputs.
