Which of these mics for trumpet?

The e604 sounds like crap on a trumpet (tinny). If you want a decent dynamic mic, get a 421 or even better, on MD 441. However, from my experience, the 441 sounds very simliar to an AT 4047 (which means OK, but not great) or other mid-priced LDCs, except that it need an enormous amount of gain, which implies a great pre (costly). Same problem with a ribbon mic.

If I were you I'd either get a decent SDC (DPA, KM184, Johsephson), a great sounding LDC (in the $1k range) or a decent ribbon mic (which costs the same) in case you have great sounding pre.

If you -- as you said -- need a mic only to record trumpet, percussion and other instruments, I'd get a SDC. How about a Johsephson? That should be in your price range.
The guy has a list of mics in his first post, the KM184 is the best mic for most applications.

Sure a decent ribbon is a better and fatter sounding mic for horns, trumpet is a difficult horn for mics.

And of course there are a number of fine mics for trumpet, for dynamics I reach for the MD441, the SM7 or the RE20. The MD421 might be a little too hot.

And you guys listen to Harvey, never record a trumpet on axis and too close.
Well, not to ruffle some feathers BUT...
I believe Harvey's comment about recording the trumpet off axis was referring to a situation where someone had to use an SP B1 (which would just be too bright on axis). I'm going to contradict some folks and say again that the e604 will work great On AXIS and UP CLOSE. It WOULD sound tinny too far away and most likely not as full off axis (as it has a pretty tight pattern). Once the player gets relatively close to the mic (it has a high SPL rating), the sound fills up nicely but is not overly bright like some sdc's (not all) for this application. This is why so many people have success with ribbon mics- they are smooth on the top. When using the e604 with the Decca Preamp (broadhurst gardens bg-1, my fav for horns), I have yet to need any eq in mixdown on horns. This combo is used in a solo or horn section arrangement in a Tower of Power or funk/rock type style. For a legit (classical-some jazz) recording I may go ribbon depending on the trumpet part/approach.

bounce inventive audio
I have used an EV N/D468 with good results. The tone varies with proximity so I can fine tune the tone of the instrument.