Which of the mixes are best


It is a life preserver
Cut 4 quick tracks, and am mixing them post op. Using hawkeye i tried to level them about -19 LUFs. The last is compressed 4x times and is louder a couple lufs. I totally cheezed out. Not sure about the quality and nudged some things around due to latency, and that ruins the continuity. Good fer a chuckle. Which is the best mix? No compress. Compressed. or compressed 4x.


there is a 5th voc2..not used, except when it is.

Song from 90210. I was gonna sing the shit out of it..

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My cozy home studio is down for renovation at the moment so I heard these on a laptop. The middle one...the compressed one is the best I think. The first one had cymbals and crashes seemingly out on their own and things weren't unifiied. The middle one was more cohesive and more unified. The last one sounded, well, too compressed, just like you said.
When I mix a technique I use is to turn the mains way down. See how it sounds ultra quiet. As commercial songs are faded, they behave a certain way. I am trying to copy this and use it to mix. In those situations, multiple compression seems to help make things heard and then fade those things better. Perhaps not. Ever pay attention to the ultra quiet?
I thought #3 sounded the best although over compressed and that could come down to a style decision. I was wondering if the EQ changed, did you make any other changes?
The guitar was -19 in the last one. The guitar was -24 in the first two. No on track compression on the guitar. Just the 4 compressors in the main.

The 2 vocal tracks are playing in unison in the last mix to smear the voices all together. M88 microphone. No pop guard to give the consonants a percussiveness in the compression.

Slight level variances throughout the three mixes. EQs are only HPF and LPFing.

Latency..once you start nudging, you never stop. So I messed it up in that respect a little. I wanted a "80's cannon shot snare" in the drums. That needs lots of compression too.

My next round of mixes will be changing up the combo to compressor then limiter then clipper. Doing then different forms in different orders. See whats up.
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Are you sure you need to keep messing with the latency? There were things that sounded 'not quite in time' in all the mixes.
Are you sure you need to keep messing with the latency?
That is a good question. I believe it needed it. The guitars are from a line 6 UX toneport. The voices are from the Apollo interface. They have a different latency number in the upper right corner of Reaper. When the numbers change for the used interface, I adjust the recording compensation in options. This might not be correct.

To get the tracks to align after recording, I nudged them looking at the visual peaks. Not the best for bass.

Apollo had 2/3 ms latency
Line6 had 12/16 ms latency

I changed the numbers in the compensation box. That wrong?
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That is a good question. I believe it needed it. The guitars are from a line 6 UX toneport. The voices are from the Apollo interface. They have a different latency number in the upper right corner of Reaper. When the numbers change for the used interface, I adjust the recording compensation in options. This might not be correct.

To get the tracks to align after recording, I nudged them looking at the visual peaks. Not the best for bass.

Apollo had 2/3 ms latency
Line6 had 12/16 ms latency

I changed the numbers in the compensation box. That wrong?
Reaper automatically adjusts for latency. I think that's what your problem is, you are trying to adjust what is already adjusted! If you change your interface, it changes its settings, unless you have turned that feature off.
Something was wrong. As I was 'fixing' them . The mixes got worse and worse. The 3rd mix is completely out of time.

It might be so far out of time, that it comes BACK INTO TIME..