Which midi cotroller is right for me?


New member
Hello everyone-

I'm starting up a little home studio for recording with a buddy of mine and am now in the process of shopping around for a MIDI controller. I have an M-audio firewire 410 interface that I will be using. Some of the programs that I think a midi controller will be useful for is M-tron (a mellotron simulation) as well as doing sequencing for drums. I'm curious about what might work well for these applications.

I have played piano for 11 years or so, so my technique is solid. I don't need a weighted keyboard, however, since I will basically be using this controller for synth work and drum sequencing. I'm thinking 49 keys is a minimum.

Also, I notice that the M-audio keyboards are connected to the computer via USB (or at least have this option). Is there any advantage/disadvantage to this compared to connecting the controller to the firewire 410 I'm using?

Knobs aplenty would be nice, as well as decent feel and sturdy construction.

There's so many brands and models that I don't know where to look. I read that Fatar/studiologic stuff falls apart quickly, so I'm a bit scared of that. I'm considering the Evolution 361C, but I would like to be told that there is a better (and maybe cheaper) option for my purposes.

Thanks for the help!

Sorry to hijack. Hoodoo, you had no issues with it then? Friends have said it locks up or freezes on certain program change modes.
Nope, no problems so far (2-3 months of use). I use it with FLstudio and a number of software synths. I'm not doing "heavy" midi stuff, jsut your basic control assignments for faders, effects knobs, etc.

Good keyboard controller for the price, IMO.
i have fw410 also

and bought evolution 461c- the usb works well and the free midi port on firewire can be now used for something else (pod interface with internet presets for me) also be careful of m audio keyboards if velosity sensitive is important -they don't advertise that feature even though tech support once said it does ( ino longer belive he has correct)
the ultimate keyboard for me would have motorized faders etc (to interface w/ sonar)
evolution is good