Which mic?


New member
Im on a tight budget, and I plan on buying an M-Audio Fast Track, I was looking at a condenser mic but the M-Audio does not have phantom power. So, which dynamic mic do you reccomend? Its for vocals and guitar. I was reccomended the Shure PG58. Any info?
There are also options like the AKG C1000 which is a condensor that can run off of a battery and doesn't need supplied phantom power. I use it mainly as overheads or as a stereo pair. It would be good for guitar, but haven't used it on vocals.
mshilarious said:
You didn't mention a budget, but I would look at Beyer M88 or M201.

Love the 201, especially the old ones! Not as big a fan of the TG model, but it's still quite good and affordable.
Any of the work horse dynamics will work... SM57, i5, M201, MD421, SM7.... just get a pop screen for them if you use them for vocals. With that kind of cash, the PG58 would be at the bottom of my list.
Druw said:
Sorry, I got the exchange rate wrong. Ive got 238 $

You could also look into a simple external phantom power supply, if you really want to go the condensor route.

If you've got the budget for it, maybe look into the SM58 over the PG58.
I just emailed the music shop to see the prices. I meant 238$ for the M-Audio and the mic just incase you got mixed up. 80$ for the mic. How much do power supplies go for?
Druw said:
I just emailed the music shop to see the prices. I meant 238$ for the M-Audio and the mic just incase you got mixed up. 80$ for the mic. How much do power supplies go for?

Check out the Rolls PB223/23 or PB224. The PB23 is a single channel phantom power supply. Search around, but it lists for $50.

electric guitar or acoustic guitar?
if its electric you can't go far wrong with an sm57 and its not bad on vocals either if you dont have much to spend:)