which mic to purchase


New member
I am building a small home studio which will be mainly used as a hiphop studio and I need advise the best I can purchase which can be no more than $700, less money is always better! I will also be connecting it to my m-audio fast track ultra.

Im looking at 4000 B Stage and Studio Condenser Microphone but I dont know much about it. Im open to all suggestions!

I can't imagine not having a SM7b... Maybe add a Cascade FatHead *and* a M20 (for the wimpy voices) and you're probably still under $700.
Shopping for microphones is like shopping for shoes. Because they all sound different from one another, what works for one voice may not work well for the next.

Before you buy, you really should find a way to test lots of different mics to see which one works best with your voice.

Perhaps a local pro studio would let you book an hour or two to "test record" a bunch of popular mid-priced mics. Tell them exactly why you are doing it. They may enjoy helping you out.