Which Mic Sounds Like a Newmann U87?

clint blackwood

New member
I have an Apex 205 ribbon mic and would like to get the vintage sounds like a Neumann U47.
Problem is I never used a U47 although I know it was used on Pet Sounds and Sgt Pepper plus many other fine recordings.

Would a MXL V67G get me closer? I'm not afraid to mod the circuitry.

If not, what is the MXL mic to get?
What do you think of the 205?
Is it cutting it for you ?
what are you using it for ? how are you using it?
I have the 205 and i love it. Admittedly its took a while to get used to it but i'm glad i have it and i'm looking to get some more ribbons to (maybe even get them modded later when the ressesions over)
If I were trying to approach the sound of a U47 I wouldn't start with an MXL. A stock Peluso 2247 will probably come closer to anything you can mod an MXL into.
I have an Apex 205 ribbon mic and would like to get the vintage sounds like a Neumann U47.
Problem is I never used a U47 although I know it was used on Pet Sounds and Sgt Pepper plus many other fine recordings.

Would a MXL V67G get me closer? I'm not afraid to mod the circuitry.

If not, what is the MXL mic to get?

Do you mean a U87 or U47?

Assuming you mean U47 - the closest to the original U47 is IMHO the FLEA 47.

I mean a U47. I supposed if I built the same tube preamp inside, it would sound similar and replacing the capsule would make it very close indeed.
The Apex 205 is an amazing mic. It is smooth and handles loud sounds as well. Perhaps a tube preamp will allow me to get a vintage sound.
I want to record everything except cymbals which may include acoustic guitars, electric and bass guitars, bass and tom toms drums but not snares, voice, violins, cello, trumpets.
I want my recordings to sound like Pet Sounds not Smile which is too modern and digital.
Get and EQU47 (US$299) body, and sign up for a MK47 (~US$300) kit. You'll need a PSU as well. So altogether budget at least US$800 total or so and some time to build it.

White Market
you're closer to a u47 with your 205 ribbon than with most affordable condensors.

arguably something like an mxl 2003A is a decent starting point. but I think the curve of the 205 (stock) is even closer to the u47 sound.

just enjoy what you have :-) it'll cost you a lot to get close as has been pointed out. I am aware of nothing mass produced that emulates a 47 in any way other than looks.

dave and peluso and joly all make/alter-mics that are fair 47 sounding things. michael joly in fact has been known to prefer the 47 sound to the c12 sound and has a preference for taking mics and trying to neumann them up a bit. more often the result is u87 like than 47 like, but still, yea, you get the point.