Which interface??? I didn't think it could be so hard to decide!


New member
I am trying to find a USB analog/digital interface to run with Adobe Audition 3.0 or N-track on my PC (or maybe some other free multi-track software with plugins, automation etc).

My System Specs:

Intel Core, 2 Duo CPU E6750 @2.66 GHz and 2.66GHz
Ram: 4084 MB
System 64-bit operating system
Windows Vista Home Premium
(I could upgrade to Vista Ultimate if i reeeeally had to)

and I require:

2 audio inputs
24 bit depth
midi would be cool but isn't a huge priority

If anyone can recommend an interface, and relevant drivers, it would be greatly appreciated, as I am having trouble wrapping my head around all the different factors that contribute to choosing an interface when it comes to compatibility issues.

Also, with exception of anything by Digidesign, should the combination of interface and program matter?

Cheers :D
The Tascam US-122L has been good for me.
Its got midi in and out, two mic inputs and two line in inputs.
A good piece of kit. Worth the money.
I have more than a few computers at home, and I use the Tascam US122l and the M-Audio Fast Track Pro. The beauty is the FTP has analog inserts so I can add rack effect 'live' rather than with CPU hungry plug ins. Just be sure there are drivers and the interface you get supports Vista. I know M-Audio has their own forum, so join as many relevant forums as you can. Check if anyone has drivers issues with Vista. n-track has a forum, as does Audition.