Which G5 for ProTools LE?

something cool

New member
Alright, so my little Dell just ain't cuttin' it for my higher-track-count sessions, so I'm looking to pick up a PowerMac G5.

Question is: which one?

I can't wait for the Quad G5 to ship (need it sooner than 3-4 weeks + shipping time), and I can't find an old Dual-CPU 2.7GHz machine (don't trust ebay), so my decision is between the new Dual-core 2.3GHz machine or the new Dual-CPU 2.7GHz rig with PCI-X.

First off, what's the diff between PCI-X and PCI-Express? The 2.3 comes with PCI-Express, the 2.7 has PCI-X. If I get the 2.7, am I gonna be pissed I don't have PCI-Express?

Second, does PTLE even support the new Dual-core Macs in the same way it supports the Dual-CPU models? (i.e. one core/CPU used for PT, the other used for system processes, or with PTLE7, both are used) Looking on Digi's website, it doesn't specifically state either of these machines are supported, though Apple says they are.

Third, anyone have any idea whether the Dual-cores are any faster than their dual-CPU predecessors? i.e. Is the Dual-core 2.3 any faster/slower than the old Dual-CPU 2.3?

Damn Apple for making the Quad G5 so expensive and not shipping it till late November! :D

Thanks for any help any of you can provide!