Thanks for your reply. I was watching some more YT videos on monitor and interface set up. So wouldn't these cables which have the XLR cable (male) connect into the XLR (female) where it indicates its the Balanced section of the Monitor, and the RCA parts of the cables go into the interface? Are these not the right type of cables?
I just bought the interface since I found it on Christmas special, I should have invested to buy a better interface as you specified.
Worse case scenario, I'll try a DI Box and see if the noise goes away.
You certainly can make an unbalanced signal balanced! People do it all the time*. There are several options. Simplest one for the newb is a pair of 1:1 transformers (means a ratio of unity, no step up or down) The Art Cleanbox two is very well thought of but you can buy a very cheap twin transformer unit off Azn which is actually not bad and will break any 'ground' loop if that is your problem and that is quite possible since I see those monitors have a mains earth, 3pole IEC socket. I shall find you a link shortly.
Another method is to 'impedance' balance the outputs but since that involves some soldering and a VERY tiny bit of electronics I shall leave that there as FYI. Even more complex but technically the best solution is *. (if you CAN do some soldering and wire surgery do tell!)
You do NOT want to get a "DI Box". As these things are generally considered, they use a high, 10: 1 transformer to deliver a balanced, mic level signal and even very high quality high ratio transformers can alter a signal audibly.
Yes, you would have been better advised and got a more expensive interface but if swapping it is a problem, hang in there and let us sort the problems? There is no guarantee that a $1000 AI would not cause some form of noise issue. Look upon this all as a learning experience and save up for better. (I cannot recommend the MOTU M4 TOO highly!)
*A few weeks ago I built a high grade electronic balance box to drive my Tannoy 5As but that would be a little beyond most folk. The build is in the DIY section.
Shop Bumper Ground Loop Isolator Noise Remover. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders.
That's the chap. Initially just plug it into the AI's RCA outs and the speakers. That will eliminate any ground loop issues. If you find the transformers cause some changes of the sound you will need to buy better but maybe, live with it for now and save pennies? Ifm as is likely, the sound is fine you can then buy or make RCA to XLR balanced cables and have a balanced feed to the speakers.
Dave (oil be bek!)