Which audio interface ( version 3128381 )


Well this week I need to get a new audio interface.

I am looking at either a Presonus firepod or an edirol UA1000.

To be honest I dont need tons of preamps, I need lots of line inputs as im basically a keyboard player with lots of synths and a large Midi setup.

At the moment I am using a Soundcraft Spirit ES stereo mixer but want to move mixing into the computer!

I require enough inputs for 5 keyboards (stereo) 1 drum machine (mono) , 2 aux outputs for 2 dual effects units and a kord kaoss pad . an output for powered studio monitors and a headphone monitoring output. Midi would be cool as would a few spdif inputs for my virus ti and my radias .

I use a MOTU MTP AV for midi chores at the moment.

so what is my best choice for an interface ? I dont particulary want all the line input cable hanging out of the front of my rack (firepod) I want them in the rear so the rack is neat at the front.

I think i prefer firewire for this because anything else plugged into my USB ports makes my Virus TI throw a hissy fit and crash :confused:

Price is not really a limiting factor within reason , although id like to stay under $2000 if possible ;)
but with all the cables hanging out of the front it'll look like doctor frankenstein lives in my studio :D I like things kept neat cause if the is a cable on the floor im usually clumsy enough to trip over it :)