Which alternative would you recommend?


Peruvian skin beater
Hello, I´m ready to build my homestudio, but I´m not so sure what to do with the ceiling. The height is 8.20 feet, not too high as desired. So If I build an acousting ceiling I´ll lose some inches, do you know how much??. On the other hand I could hang some traps (I´m thinking about ethan winner´s type), those are the alternatives that I have. Maybe some of you could give me another one.
To give you an idea about what I need, above my studio there´s my sisters dinning room (used on special occasions). I´ll record mostly at night, chances are low that there might be some people upstairs doing noises. It should be quiet most of the time.
Thanks in advance
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I'd do the treatments with a drywall ceiling with the cavity between insulated. The drop ceiling can be a good thing and provide some broadband absorbtion but also doesn't provide much in the way of isolation.

Doesn't sound like the room above is used much so it MAY not be an issue but even normal walking on the floor above might be an issue.

Thanks Ryan!!
Before the house was redesigned, the room above used to be my sisters room, and I don´t remember having problems with walking or some kind of noise coming from above. I was doing some demos and my band´s first cd in that time.
What about acoustic tiles?, I´ve been searching around here and found a place that sell them $8.50 square metre. I´m sure that drywall is cheaper but it has to be painted or something to improve his "look".
Is there any fiberglass acoustic tiles?. If so, what´s the difference with the standard?. A friend of mine recommended me to use tiles (no specific type) and place fiberglass above, not the whole surface, just in the edges. Maybe it won´t help that much if I use the first type I mentioned.
