Where's the love.....???

Why the hell would you post this here, and waste the time of...how many...God, 42 People that have looked at this thread.

(oh crap, that number's probably gonna' go up now...great).
My girlfriend is tight. Boy Howdy is she tight. She could squeeze the balls off a nat.:D

I love the way some threads peter out in a kind of modestly spectacular fashion. LOL

Who's Boy Howdy? Boy George's brother?
dmoney4life said:
No EJAY/F.Loops section....

forget cool edit 2 it's not that tight :/

YOU ARE AN AMAZING FOOL. Get your own damn loops. Ejay...are you serious? Cool edit is as "tight" as they come. That word doesn't even describe software...go to the "ejay" forum and leave the vastly more intelligent cool edit users alone...dummy.