Where to start...


New member
Hey All,

I've been trying to getter a better grasp of what midi and sequencing is all about and figuring out how I can put it to practical use in my recordings to get a more professional result. I understand the concept...just don't know where to begin. My recordings usually consist of a few guitar tracks, a vocal track, and maybe a string track that I record on my Boss BR8. I ususally mix down directly from my BR8 to a standalone CD burner. I've converted the files and imported to ntracks, but it is such a hassle, and the result was really no better. I also have the free version of Audacity on my PC but haven't used it yet. I have a cheapo Radio Shack keyboard


Also have an Alesis SR16 that I'm still trying to figure out how to use...do you have to be a drummer to use one of these things? If so, I'm out of luck. Just want to know what I need and where to begin in my quest to better understand midi and sequencing. I've been over at Tweaks reading...I just want some practical advice on what I need to do to get started.

Here's a sample of a few of my tunes


