where to put backing vocals in the mix?


New member
I use a lot of two part harmonies and sometimes three I'm never sure where to put them in the mix in reference to panning I experiment with different spots center, panned left, right excetra, just wanted to see what everyone else does I'm aware that eq'ing and effects can put them out front or in the background just curious as to what the general consensus is
What I do

If I have 2 harmonies I usually put 1 more predominately to one side (about 10 / 2 oClock) with adding a softer ,slightly delayed version(thrown out maybe 9/3 oClock) in the opposite stereo channel.
The wider you spread your harmonies the more subtle they will be.
For the sake of balance, if it's a three-part harmony, I'll pan one center and the other two left and right. If it's a two-part harmony, I'll pan one slightly left and the other slightly right. On one tune I did recently, the main vocal was joined by a harmony in the chorus. In that case, I shifted the main vocal from center to a bit left for the chorus (the harmony vocal was right, of course) and then brought the main vocal back to center for the next verse. What it sounded like was a singer stepping to one side to let another singer share the mic.
you kind of have to feel out what's right for the song and style: wide panning, narrow panning, even no panning can all sound right in a given context.

it's kind of like asking what kind of and how much reverb to put on background vocals. It just depends on the effect you are trying to create and the stylistic context.
Thanks I know it was a question that could have a thousands answers depending on the style and context that's why I never really found anything that works well all the time, just wondered what others did and if anyone had a common approach I tend to look at the mix on a whole and find a spot for them I"ve done the pan one to one side and add some effect and pan the other opposite I've stacked them in the middle left them way to one side I was just curious as to what other things might be tried