Where to get good quality 74 min. CDRs?


New member
Hope this isn't too much of a stupid question, but I'm having trouble finding some decent quality 74 min. CDRs to record a 'master' for duplication purposes.

I went to Best Buy and Future Shop (Canada), and all they sell is cheapo 80min CD's. And from experience I've found that the 80min ones don't work on all CD players.

Is there a good online retailer to get quality CDRs for audio recording purposes?
pricewatch, you'll need to do a cdr [review search] imho before you make your purchace, as well as the reseller, resellerratings.com there's a few good one's but a report released a few months back states most will be worthless within 2 years... yeah, i know, do a google.com search, all the info on the reports and issues are there, along with cdr reviews...
Yo N-Kay:

O-Kay: I found some Sony CDR's at, would you believe, Walgreen Drug store here in Estados Unidos.

They work fine.

Mitsui CDR's are available from vendors, Musician's Friend, and others.

I've had no trouble with the Mitsui 74's.

Just poke around your 800 number vendors or check them out on the net.

Green Hornet

:D :p :D
Actually I should have been more specific, where IN CANADA, can I get good quality CDR's such as Mitsui, Taiyo Yuden, etc... There must be some online reseller somewhere.

I've searched and searched on the web and can't find anything.

It's nice to know that I'm not alone in securing 74 minute
CDR digital audio discs. I've been unable to locate any supplier
for the past few months.
It seems to me that they are being phased out and you'll be
forced to upgrade to a unit that will handle 80 minute. It's a
bit wierd that one player/dubber I have will play an 80 minute
that has already been recorded to, but won't read a blank disc.
Yo N-Kay:

I'm sure that US vendors will ship to Canada, maybe a bit more postage?

Maybe Emeric or the Big Blue Bear will jump in here and help you out since they work in your town.

Green Hornet:D :p :cool:
I did finally go online and got a stack of 100
Mitsui silver (the colored "imac' ones, these ones were tangerine on top) for pretty cheap.

There are more for sale, just search for "mitsui"

The only thing I am worried about is the taxes and duty at the border, and if they add the CDR media levy which we have in Canada.