Where to find high quality xylophone samples?


New member
I realize this might not be the best place for this question but I figure it will get much more exposure here.

I bought a cheap Pearl practice xylophone for my project studio, and due to my poor technique and lack of proper mics (I don't have any stereo pairs or omnis), I can't get a decent sounding xylophone track.

The instrument seems like it would be a perfect candidate for a VSTi, since the attack/decay doesn't vary too much and the notes are quite discreet (as opposed to an instrument like guitar, where bending pitch is quite important).

What I'm wondering is: where can I find a program that contains high quality, professionally recorded xylophone samples with many velocity layers? I use the BFD for drums so I'm kinda spoiled...but basically I'm looking for something like the BFD only for the zybes.

Thanks for your help!
