Where to buy felt for kick drum hammer?


New member
Not sure if this posted earlier...

I want to replace the felt on the hammer that hits the kick drum. Not sure if hammer is the right term, but anyway where would I buy this felt at? it's about 1/4 inch thick and is sticky on one side.


Is there a place to just buy the felt, as I don't wan't to replace the beater.

thanks for you reply though.

I have never seen just the felt. The beater is only $15 anyway.
The next question... do you really want a felt beater? I don't know what style you play, but a lot of people use wood or plastic to get more attack from the kick.
For a more punchy sound, just rotate the beater 180 degrees, the felt isn't required, unless it's a particular sound you are looking for. If you still want the felt, try the plumbing section of the nearest home improvement store, it can be purchased with the adhesive already on 1 side.
Thanks for the tips. My problem is that I have an electroinc midi drum setup with the pads, and my kick drum only likes to be hit right in the middle of the pad. I'm using a double pedal setup so they each are offset from the middle by an inch. Both will trigger the pad but not 100% of the time. Maybe I just need wider beaters. I was thinking of getting more felt and placing it all the way to the eage of both beaters, as the felt on there now isn't at the edge.

Thanks again,

sometimes ( I don't know what pedal you are using) you can adjust how far apart the beaters are from each other. This requires an allen key and just slidong the thing that holds the beater closer to the other one.

ez-willis: not all beaters have a back. Take a look at the beaters that come with the Iron Cobra.
I knew I should have mentioned in my previous post that I have moved them as close together as possible (I have the wrench.)


They are made by Pearl.

