Where to buy a used Raxxess Isoraxx?

Unless they've changed the design tremendously, I'd recommend that you give this unit a miss, or proceed with great caution. Simply stated, I found it to be a great disappointment. Read my review here: https://homerecording.com/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22806

Your mileage may vary, but I would _strongly_ recommend finding a place to actually listen to one before laying out the green. Don't buy it sight unseen, based on the advertising claims. Just my opinion, but caveat emptor....
I've read somewhat similarily negative comments elsewhere as well. One fellow mentioned replacing the fans with quiter ones, which worked for him. Doesn't seem right to have to do that though.

If you are at all "handy" you could probably build your own isobox fairly inexpensively. There are plans for such things on the internet, although I don't have a link for it.

What I've done is put my computer CPU in the closet and lined that with Auralex wedges. That alone cut down dramatically on computer noise. If I didn't have a closet handy I would probably just make a box and line it with acoustic materials, along with some air vents and a fan or two. My recording engineer did that and his home made iso box works great. It also cost him well under $100 to make.
The prices on those Isorax are ridiculous. I didn't realize they were so crappy also.

I would just make a box like SonicAlbert suggested. The only real trick is keeping the airflow sufficient but quiet.
The Isoraxx was the biggest waste of my money I can recall in more than 15 years of recording. What a piece of junk! Get an Iso-Box from Sound Construction & Supply in Nashville. The difference is night & day. Heavy duty construction, high quality materials, nearly silent fans, internal temperature sensors with LCD readout - and it's a nice looking piece of furniture, too.
