Where, online, can I buy a Studio Projects C1?

Hey Alan,

Ease back, what am I a Rockefeller?

I have never spent over $100.00 for a mic before, and I will be paying in real time (NO CREDIT CARDS!!!). I hate credit cards, and so should you.

BTW, what's the PMI Audio Group? Sounds intrigueing.


What kind of case comes with it? How's the instruction manual, anygood?

The manual covers the C1, C3, and T3, and is 7 ppg. I was gonna say the manual is short, but I reread it, and it seems to cover all the necessary points, and reads well (only a few grammatical errors).
The case is nice... ah crap..... here comes 2000 words....


The C1 flight case:


What's inside:

Now that's an answer with class!

Thanks Queue,

Great pics, thanks for taking the time.

Look forward to hearing you in the clinic someday.


It was only a gentle nudge!

PMI Audio Group is a distributor. It is the marketing and distribution company behind Joemeek, and Studio Projects worldwide.
C1 : C3 Compare & Contrast

Give me the sales pitch for the C3 over the C1. I'm on the fence. The price difference isn't THAT dramatic. I would appreciate your perspective.

I believe Alan is currently out of the country, and not checking on this board as often.

Tons of info on the Studio Projects website.

• Pressure-Gradient Transducer, Dual 1" 6 um mylar capsule
• Selectable patterns (omni, cardioid, figure eight)
• High Pass Filter
• 10db Pad

• Pressure-Gradient Transducer, Single 1" 6 um mylar capsule
• Cardioid Pattern

C3 is much more versatile...

Your subjective opinion

Thanks Queue for the info and link....

I've seen several references about the C1s performance from you on this site.......do you own a C3 as well? If so, give me your opinion of the two microphones' sonic characteristics. Which one prints better in your opinion? Would you prefer one over the other in a blind taste test? I would imagine that they sound very similar......

Sorry, I don't have a C3. At one point someone (Harvey?) was gonna compare/contrast, but I think he sent the mics he was testing to Stephen Paul to do technical testing and evaluation.

I'm Back!

Hey guys, I made it back from Mexico in one piece, and healthy to boot.


The C3 has a smoother sound in the mids and top end. The low end is there, but it is not as present as the C1. For my voice, the C3 and T3 work better. The C1 is an excellent mic, and I hope everyone on the planet buys one. I don't think there is a better mic for the money anywhere except the C3 and T3.

The addition of the patterns on the C3 make it much more flexible, especially for voice over and broadcast applications. I get excellent results from using the C3 in the Figure Eight pattern for vocals as it allows more flexibility with off axis effect. There seems to be a bit more bottom on the Figure Eight pattern over the Cardioid.

In either case, the C3 is a great mic, and I like it more on close miking Marshall stacks, and all acoustic instruments. These are my opinions, and you will happy no matter what Studio Projects mic you end up with.

Alan Hyatt
Montezuma's revenge....

Thanks for the clarification Alan,

Since I will never do voice-over or any type of broadcasting with the mic (and I do like a bit more bottom end in my vocals) I'll definately be going with the C1.

Oh yeah....I almost forgot to ask.....

I'm going to China (Beijing) soon for a vacation......are the mics available there? Is there a distributor in Beijing? (Maybe 797 Audio??) I would like to pick one up on that trip if possible. I would think they would cheaper.

.......I guess you not really the best person to ask about getting your mics REALLY cheaply...huh....being *the man* and all.
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Simmons ,

You can get them in Korea, but not Beijing. Studio Projects are not sold there yet, but we are talking to a local distributor. I am pretty sure you won't be able to get a 797 mic either, but you can try.