Where is the great new Rap


New member
Besides making beats myself, I also work with others in a more representative capacity along with my partner. Today I was noticing that in our office we have a desk completely covered with demo CDs of various Rap hopefuls and we both commented how amazing it was that in all of those CDs, in all of those Raps there was not one hit, not one great one, not one!

I am sure there are some great beat producers out there but the majority just ain't working. One of the biggest mistakes, besides llack of talent for making beats, is the failure to stay wiithing song forms and makce catchy Rap hooks. Yeah, I know that there are times when the words are important and commercial hooks are not, but mostly, hooks are important.

What is going on with Rap?

It’s just not the producers, these days we lack the "hard" core cats that can rhyme as well. Producers are forced to make rappers with monotone, feminine voices sound good. An example... im sorry but 50 cent is the worst rapper I have ever heard, his voice, flow and image are pure garbage, the only thing that saves him is his affiliation with Dre and Eminem, other then that, he would still be working at the local burger king.

On the producer side, I think they are getting lazy as well (creativity is lacking everywhere at the moment it seems). I mean even half assed songs such as that milk shake song made it to the "mainstream." That song wins the shit production of the decade, I don’t follow mainstream stuff that often (meaning I don’t normally listen to the radio, or watch MTV), but who ever produced that song sounds like his/her pot and pan collection is wearing out.

Im not totally biased though towards mainstream stuff, even underground stuff in the last 2 years has been garbage, it’s the same old bitching about the mainstream and that the underground is so much smarter, blah, blah, and blah.

I didn’t really answer your question, im not sure there can be a direct answer, but you are right what is happening to rap/hip-hop??
I felt the same way until a friend of mine sent me a demo cd of his stuff.
Look towards Mississippi and the rest of the south.
Their "underground" stuff is dope.
Give me an address and I'll send you the song that changed my opinion of how a southern rapper can/should sound.

Hip-Hop isnt Hip-Hop any more. Its a business!!! You got cat's commin out here rappin just to get a check (ain't nothin wrong with getting paid) but they are doing it for the wrong reason's. They are not musicians. Us cats out here doin it for the love can light weight forget about it (some northen cali slang...you know we create all of that shit) because the A&R's are looking for the next Chingy. That's why here in northern cali you can sell 100,000 units underground because we have our own labels and are putting out are own shit (Hieroglyphic's, C-Bo, Keak Da Sneak Mac Dre.. ect) and putting the paper in our pocket. If ther are any serious artist's reading this shit and need production holla at me I got real production-no bullshit
If six was nine...

...the REAL question would be where are all the a&r who have a fucking clue?!? They are the ones who set the tone for the current state of shit, not the few artists who have commercial success. The public pretty much just chooses from what's available, don't they? Hot beat and a hook, right? Nice voice and a smooth groove, right? I don't blame the people, I blame the power. Most are simply products of their environment to a fault, I think.

Jeroleen said:
Besides making beats myself, I also work with others in a more representative capacity along with my partner. Today I was noticing that in our office we have a desk completely covered with demo CDs of various Rap hopefuls and we both commented how amazing it was that in all of those CDs, in all of those Raps there was not one hit, not one great one, not one!

I am sure there are some great beat producers out there but the majority just ain't working. One of the biggest mistakes, besides lack of talent for making beats, is the failure to stay wiithing song forms and makce catchy Rap hooks. Yeah, I know that there are times when the words are important and commercial hooks are not, but mostly, hooks are important.

What is going on with Rap?

Maybe you just gotta toss your bait elsewhere, there's dope cats everywhere.

Anyway,I think that your post shows EXACTLY what's fucked up with hip-hop, well, at least on the commercial end. It's our expectations.

People think that as long as the hook is catchy and the track is decent, the joint is dope. WRONG ANSWER.
I'd happily take a phat track (verses and all) with a shitty hook over a sorry MC with a catchy refrain in his/her song.

We can write or rewrite a decent hook together, but I ain' t trying to rewrite some idiot motherfucker's rhymes just cuz he got a nice voice and a catchy hook. It's all about "property value," if you ask me...

Besides, picking a hit before it's a hit is a pretty damn subjective thing. Sure, there are some with the midas touch, or midas ear, but by-the-by, no dice. Think about it, enough loot behind a track, enough radio, video, or club play, and a "hit," at least marginal, can easily be born. The best we can do is go with what we think is gonna resonate with somebody if the goal is to sell, sell, sell, and even if not. If your submissions are all butt to you, then again, maybe you should toss your hook in a different spot. Ill cats be everywhere, I bet a lot are scared or have no interest in stuff like submissions cause they don't expect people to bite, so they move in a different way. I'd guess that cats who "live & die" by submitting to get a deal are pretty much on the same tip as those already out and "old."

LiquidBronze wrote:
It’s just not the producers, these days we lack the "hard" core cats that can rhyme as well.

On that note, I think we lack hardcore fans who should be demanding more of the fools' CDs that they spend their cash on, steal off the internet, or buy from the bootleggers.

Like I said, if six was nine...

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ah good point Flo, didnt even think of that, thanks

On that note, I think we lack hardcore fans who should be demanding more of the fools' CDs that they spend their cash on, steal off the internet, or buy from the bootleggers.

. . .keyboard breaking. . .

. . .must type using only u's, r's, and z's. . .

. . .hope outside world will understand. . .

. . hulp m3, plz hulp, strunded n intrnt with n0 kuyburd. . .
mallcore pop said:
. . .keyboard breaking. . .

. . .must type using only u's, r's, and z's. . .

. . .hope outside world will understand. . .

. . hulp m3, plz hulp, strunded n intrnt with n0 kuyburd. . .

Nah, prolly just a big Prince fan...


Originally posted by mallcore pop
. . .keyboard breaking. . .

. . .must type using only u's, r's, and z's. . .

. . .hope outside world will understand. . .

. . hulp m3, plz hulp, strunded n intrnt with n0 kuyburd. . .

lol oh shit, that had me cracking up at work

Ill cats be everywhere, I bet a lot are scared or have no interest in stuff like submissions cause they don't expect people to bite, so they move in a different way. I'd guess that cats who "live & die" by submitting to get a deal are pretty much on the same tip as those already out and "old."

God Damm
2 years later and aint nottin changed!!!
the problem wit rap for me is like said b4 everybodies usin the same formula to make a "Hit"........ think about it you get acts like Nelly makin a hit.. then everybody is singin on there tracks.. then u get a 50 cent get big and everybody is ultra gangsta..... then u got lil jon wit his crunk style and swiwher house wit they sit and all of a sudden u got your D4L's and franchise boys.......then u get a pharrell and all of a sudden hip hop is full of skateboarders and backpackers.... the problem is originality... for me as a artist on the rap side i dont worry about makin hits i worry about making good music..... sure i want my hooks to be hot but if all u worried about is the hook and a hot beat then u aint my target audience.....

on the same note maybe ill be the next trailblazer to bring out more life/real oriented rap.......... like said b4 rap is a bizness and its not the artist who control whats a hit......... so on that note i say fuck the industry all i need to make hits is distrubution and promotion... cause seriously thats all it takes if u got good promotion u a sell well unless u just complete ass or ur beats are wack.......

my ideal situation would be to sign to aftermath right now... not shady/aftermath or g-unit...... but Aftermath Dre's label...... ill sit on the back burner for four or five years
I hear ya'll on all of that. I agree that the problem is laziness. People see something working for someone else and then wanna clone it and remix it for themselves. Nothing wrong with creating an image, but use your own image. I mean c'mon....like we need more 50 Cents, Paul Walls, or Yung Jocs running around. No disrespect to them because they're doin' it and I'm not "right now" but new motherfuckers coming out need to come with their own and quit switching to ride dick or coattails based off someone else's success.

Believe me, I've seen some of the same shit. I hate having a mailbox full of CDs that are totally bullshit just leaves me uninspired. I hate people who keep telling me that their the shit, only to find out they really are shit. And as a beatmaker AND an MC, that's pretty bad. Luckily I get my inspirations for lyrics and beats from different sources, but hip-hop/ rap is a business and sometimes you have to see it as such. I wouldn't flip a stack off of a beat if I got too personal over who I sold it to. Don't want to work for a big label as an MC because they'll probably try to puppet me as bubble gum bullshit and then I'd get blackballed for telling them about themselves. I could give a damn if I ever sold one CD on my own, I'd be happy making the shit for the people who truly support it and feel it...even if it was only one fan.
all ya'll made legitimate points..and im in the 12th grade learning about economics and thats what the rap games been turned into...so many people want it so the companys supply it..if they cant make money off it they arent going to produce it..the formula now is a simple make a catchy hook and have a beat that isnt real technical so they can beat it on a desk..i feel that the only people that can save the rap game are the people that arent mainstream...i feel that talib kweli, mos def, phoraoh monche, heirogliphics (pardon grammer), all them cats that think of new ideas or have a lyrical concious or w/e will save the rap game...and like most said they dont make it for the love of it they make it for the money of it..but which im very afraid of is because music goes in and out of phases and someone hasnt made the "revelation band" or the last group or artist that will put the genre into recession...the "bubble gum" music genre died in the late 90s early 00's because "rappin rock" came in then few years into it "backpack" rappers came into the picture with "new age gangsta" rappers, will the bubble pop on rap or will it be an international language ? im hoping it will be around for ever..but who knows .??